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Fly Tying

Danvise out... Mongoose IN

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My vise for daily use is a Danvise. My travel vise is a second Danvise. I bought the first one before the DVD came out so it did give me problems at first since I was a complete tying novice at the time. Luckily one of the more knowledgeable members of my club showed me what I had been doing wrong.


However, choosing a vise is a personal decision everyone has to make for himself/herself.

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I bought a Danvise when I had some jaw issues with my 'Cuda... I returned it 3 weeks later, and bought a Cuda Traveler as a backup...It is all personal preference but you can keep the Danvise....Only other vise I've enjoyed tying on other than Dyna-kings are Regals. Which as I say that...I never really hear anyone going crazy about there regal and that it is the best vise out there. But they hold large stainless hooks well.

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