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Bamboo rod raffle

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As many of you know Ed Temme (Smersky) on this site passed away suddenly right last November. Ed was a good friend of mine as well as one hell of a nice guy. Always helpful, always friendly, and would talk fishing/rod building for hours when you called him. Just a really good guy.


One thing ed loved was fishing cane rods and he really loved Bob (OSD"s ) Dickerson 7012 7'4wt 2tip which he used on his fav stream in PA. SO Bob and I decided to build that same rod in Ed's memory and raffle it off on the site with 100% of the proceeds going to Ed's Widow to do as she see's fit in Ed's memory. You also get a super nice leather case donated by our very own Brian (rovercat)


So here's your chance to not onlu own a beautiful cane rod, but to help in the memory of one of our own RBF fallen members.


We are raffling off this rod with all proceeds donated for $10.40 each raffle tocket (the .40 is to cover paypal charges) if you want to send a check or money order then its only $10.



The winner will be draw on March 20th.


Paypal can be sent to [email protected]


or Check or Money order to -


Steve Clark

132 Devillen ave

Royal Oak, Mi



Thanks to all that help out in this raffle! heres the pics of the beauty you can win for only $10!






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If im from Europe, can I participate?! would be great for me to own such a masterpiece

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If im from Europe, can I participate?! would be great for me to own such a masterpiece



Ebli sure you can join in. We hadn't planned to do outside the USA but if you won then we'll work on something for the extra shipping for ya.

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