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Need help with pattern

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I received the latest edition of Fly Tyer magazine and they have an article of Rainy's new patterns. One which looks interseting is Schiel's Mad Mud Dog Salamander. The pattern seem pretty simple but I don't have any craft stores near me. So I want to make sure what I'm getting when I make the drive. The main part is Craft Felt. I found some on-line at A.C.More and there is a store I can drive to but what I need to know before I go there is what thickness does it call for? Does craft felt come in different thicknesses?


Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you.



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I think felt for that is useless. I have been doing one just like that but only the head uses large barbell lead eyes and spunned wool for the head instead of the felt. I take mine anyday. Really nothing new about it Fly Tyer mag that my opinion.

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From looking at several pics, I agree with Flyfish Dog as far as stacked/spun wool being an alternative material to the felt. I think I'll put the Salamder in my list of things to tie.



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Is this it?


Mud Dog


Looks like spun wool for the head (Or maybe deer hair? Tough to see in this pic), some rubber lugs, lead eyes, and half a package of rabbit strips for the tail! :o

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Yea that is Cream.


Warren, you can use just about any materials you can can think of that will stack well. I am going to make some out of rug yarn prolly tonite once I get done around the house. I've got so much of it and it works so well also. Just ideas.

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