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Fly Tying

Stillwater Swap

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Stillwater Swap

Chronomids, Damsels, Dragons, Leeches, Water Boatmen, Backswimmers, May Flies, Cased Caddis, baitfish, scuds, etc..


Due Date - June 1st

Don't forget I live In Canada so shipping may take a while.


Swap Is Closed


SM - Wellman - TBA

1. GPD4 - BH Mohair Leech Received

2. JohnP - Carey Special Received

3. Fishingbobnelson - Fuller Lake Specials Received

4. Student4ever - TBA

5. Cheri - TBA Received

6. Rockworm - TBA Received

7. riffleriversteelheadslayer - Buzzer Received

8. eastern fly - Ascending Midge Pupa Received

9. Jeremy Parker - Glass bead scud Received

10. Professori - Damsel Nymph Received

11. Rpflyfisher - Chartreuse Booby Received

12. jimmyboy - TBA

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How about a nice, juicy BH Mohair Leech? Missouri trout seem to like them...

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G'day I'm from the valley "Ottawa Valley" another Canuck!


I'm in, would a glass bead scud be ok? didn't see it on your list!




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I will tie a version of the Carey Special, a Canadian fly that has caught a lot of trout for me in lakes here in the western United States.

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I have 12 Fuller Lake Specials which is a type of Wooly Bugger ready to go. Addy please. How do you want to handle the return postage? I can send cash if you let me know how much in US Dollars.


Fishin' Bob

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