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School of EP Flies

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Here is my latest batch of EP Flies. I hope the local Smallmouth like em! The big one is for Muskie. I like the baby Bluegill.




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hell yeah! Bust dem bronze backs!


I love the EP flies look. Flyfisher 13 just ordered EP fibers in about 6 colors. I've only tied one fly with it, but it turned out great. Easy to work with and you can get great profiles with little material.


I would chuck your flies at bass anyday, Coinman.

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hell yeah! Bust dem bronze backs!


I love the EP flies look. Flyfisher 13 just ordered EP fibers in about 6 colors. I've only tied one fly with it, but it turned out great. Easy to work with and you can get great profiles with little material.


I would chuck your flies at bass anyday, Coinman.

Thanks BigDaddy. I would toss yours too! The less EP fiber you use the better. Hope you catch the big one!

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Here is my latest batch of EP Flies. I hope the local Smallmouth like em! The big one is for Muskie. I like the baby Bluegill.



I like them all. EP baitfish patterns are my go to when the bass aren't interested in my poppers.

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WOW great flies!


I'll take about a dozen and let you know how they are. ;)

LOL. Me and a buddy might try to sell some on EBAY.

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Guest rich mc

those are fine flies. have any of you tried using the dna holo fusion material while tying EP style ? i saw a fly tied with it at the great waters fly show . i picked up severalpakages but havent tried it yet. rich

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Nice ties. I been tying them since the day they came out. If I had only one choice, it would be EP Style flies. BTW I tie them up to 15 inches using Congo hair but the best lengths have been good for muskies in the 5 to 8 inch range mostly.

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Flies are great.just tied up about 40.Mostly on #6 thru 1/0.Going to Islmorada on 4/12 for 7-10 days.Used the Silky fibres on all but the 1/0s.Went to the regular fibres on those.Tied up a heap of small Clousers w/Silky too.Will be first timee I fish the EPs.Only problem I had was using way too much fibre&redid them.Im sure you can find a market for them on ebay.Have also spoke with Enrico 5 or 6 times& he has been real encouraging& helpful as well.Been buying from Stockard as it seems he has the best inventory& prices arent bad.Again,nice ties.FD

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A overdone EP is a great injured minnow bait on topwater! So if made a few like that then use them as they work well for certain times. I really like putting weed guards on them and pitch them in the nasties and quickly strip it on top.

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