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The length of time required to reach death could range from a matter of hours to a number of days, depending on exact methods, the prior health of the condemned, and environmental circumstances. Death could result from any combination of causes, including blood loss, hypovolemic shock, or sepsis following infection, caused by the scourging that preceded the crucifixion, or by the process of being nailed itself, or eventual dehydration


next topic: serial murders

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Serial killers are sociopaths, not psychopaths. Sociopaths are not necessarily mentally ill or defective. Sociopaths understand the reprecussions of thier actions, thus at least attempt to conceal thier activities. Most serial killers are white males between 30 and 45 years of age. Most are at least highschool educated and work jobs that allow them to blend with working society. Most are social, at least on a functional level. Most have addictions to pornography; are victims of sexual and physical abuse; fear intimacy on an emotional level; were raised in one parent homes or by other family members, often a grandparent; were often bullied or alienated as adolescents; have a history of self mutilation or self harm; drug and alcohol abuse; almost all are trophy takers, keeping a personal item or peice of thier victims' person or physical body.....and the list goes on




Next topic: Daylillies

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Death by crucifixion Is excruciatingly painful, It can take up to 3 days of suffering before the person is dead.


Next topic : Apple Inc.

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Daylilies belong to the genus Hemerocallis and are not true lilies. This Greek word is made up of two parts: hemera meaning day and kallos meaning beauty. The name is appropriate, since each flower lasts only one day. Some of the newer varieties have flowers that open in the evening and remain open until the evening of the following day. Many of these night blooming plants are delightfully fragrant.


Next Subject: Prison Riots

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there are no prison riots with bigdadyhub on duty








Prisons are violent places by nature. America's first recorded prison riot took place even before the Declaration of Independence, in Connecticut's Newgate prison in 1774, and uprisings continue to this day. One report estimates that U.S. correctional institutions saw more than 1,300 riots in the 20th century. Prison insurgencies can be tied to a wide range of causes, including racial tension, gang rivalries, individual feuds and general grievances against guards and prison administrators.


next subject: prison breaks


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the worlds' largest prison break (circa 1978-79) was headed, funded and masterminded by none other than Texas billionare H. Ross Perot, one time presidential candidats. He funded the attack on an Iranian prison in an attempt to free employees of his company. over 1,300 inmates took advantage of the plot and escaped. Most of the inmates were being held as prisoners of the dictator Kohmeni (sp?).


Next topic: Donte's Paradise Lost


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Dante was born in 1265 and he tells us he was born under the sign of Gemini, placing his birthday in June. Dante was born 'Durante' and the name Dante is a shortened version of his name. He was born into the prominent Alighieri family of Florence, with loyalties to the Guelfs, a political alliance that supported the Papacy, involved in complex opposition to the Ghibellines, who were backed by the Holy Roman Emperor.


For Dante, exile was nearly a form of death, stripping him of much of his identity. Dante addresses the pain of exile in Canto XVII of Paradiso, where Cacciaguida, his great-great-grandfather, warns him what to expect:



deathmask (in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence)

Tu lascerai ogne cosa diletta

più caramente; e questo è quello strale

che l'arco de lo essilio pria saetta.

Tu proverai sì come sa di sale

lo pane altrui, e come è duro calle

lo scendere e 'l salir per l'altrui scale . . .


". . . You shall leave everything you love most:

this is the arrow that the bow of exile

shoots first. You are to know the bitter taste

of others' bread, how salt it is, and know

how hard a path it is for one who goes

ascending and descending others' stairs . . ."

Paradiso, XVII, 55-60.

As for the hope of returning to Florence, he describes it wistfully, as if he had already accepted its impossibility, in Canto XXV of Paradiso:


Se mai continga che 'l poema sacro

al quale ha posto mano e cielo e terra,

sì che m'ha fatto per molti anni macro,

vinca la crudeltà che fuor mi serra

del bello ovile ov'io dormi' agnello,

nimico ai lupi che li danno guerra;

con altra voce omai, con altro vello

ritornerò poeta, e in sul fonte

del mio battesmo prenderò 'l cappello . . .


If it should happen . . . if this sacred poem

this work so shared by heaven and earth

that it has made me lean these long years

can ever overcome the cruelty

that bars me from the fair fold where I slept,

a lamb opposed to wolves that war on it,

by then with other voice, with other fleece,

I shall return as poet and put on

at my baptismal font, the laurel crown . . .

Paradiso, XXV, 1-9.

Of course it never happened; his bones are still found in Ravenna, not Florence.



Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. It was originally published in 1667 in ten books, with a total of over ten thousand individual lines of verse. A second edition followed in 1674, redivided into twelve books (in the manner of the division of Virgil's Aeneid) with minor revisions throughout and a note on the versification; the majority of the poem was written while Milton was blind, and was transcribed for him.[1]




next subject: ancient archery

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Whoa, what a killer reponse, Paul!!!




archers of the ancient Persian Empire where known to be accurate up to 150 yards with longbows. Archers were the "modern sniper" and experienced archers were often treated as "adopted sons of the king's army". Most were trained for military service from age 3. Most were not from the empires in which they served as was common with the Turkish and Roman Empires. Most arhcers, and infantry men for that fact, were mercinaries from smaller satellite dynasties or conquered peoples (slaves).


Next topic: 4th amendment

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Next topic: 4th amendment

It is totally illegal for any police officer to look through your car without a warrant. Most drivers who "consent" to a search do not consent at all: rather, they unconsiously give up and allow the officer to search via leaving their door open upon exiting the car.


It is completely withing your rights as a citizen to tell an officer "no" if they ask to search your car (without a warrant). By this time, they will have threatened you with an imaginary ultimatum like, "you can do it the easy way or I'll call for back up" - DO NOT FRET. All they can do is go back to their cruiser and alert dispatch of the infraction you were originally pulled over for.


Now that the tutorial is outta the way:

The only exceptions of the 4th Amendment is concent, "in plain view", open fields, land around a house (private property other than the house), probable cause, and clear and present danger.


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Whoa, what a killer reponse, Paul!!!




archers of the ancient Persian Empire where known to be accurate up to 150 yards with longbows. Archers were the "modern sniper" and experienced archers were often treated as "adopted sons of the king's army". Most were trained for military service from age 3. Most were not from the empires in which they served as was common with the Turkish and Roman Empires. Most arhcers, and infantry men for that fact, were mercinaries from smaller satellite dynasties or conquered peoples (slaves).


Next topic: 4th amendment


Thanks chris but that is one of my favorite literary works

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Almost all of the Founder Fathers were Masons....Symbolism of Freemasonary exist in many official government agency seals and even on our currency. That's about all I want to say about that....




you're very close on the search of a vehicle...try this for the next topic:


Next topic: Terry Stop

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A "Terry Stop" is a stop of a person by law enforcement officers based upon "reasonable suspicion" that a person may have been engaged in criminal activity, whereas an arrest requires "probable cause" that a suspect committed a criminal offense. The name comes from the standards established in a 1968 case, Terry v. Ohio


next subject: terminal velocity

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Randy Johnson's fastest pitch ever recorded hit a terminal velocity of 102 mph. But did you know only 5 people look good in a mullet and Randy Johnson is 4 of them!


next subject: magnets

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Randy Johnson's fastest pitch ever recorded hit a terminal velocity of 102 mph. But did you know only 5 people look good in a mullet and Randy Johnson is 4 of them!


next subject: magnets


:hyst: That response just made my day. If you want to see an example of Johnson's terminal velocity, look up the video where his pitch hits a bird.


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Randy Johnson's fastest pitch ever recorded hit a terminal velocity of 102 mph. But did you know only 5 people look good in a mullet and Randy Johnson is 4 of them!


next subject: magnets







A permanent magnet is an object made from a material that is magnetized and creates its own persistent magnetic field. An everyday example is a refrigerator magnet used to hold notes on a refrigerator door.




next subject BigDaddyHub


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