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Fly Tying
Robert M

Gratitude Flies

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Do you send a few flies to the swap host when you send your flies in?


If you do how many do you usually give?


Is there a method to what you give or is just the latest thing off the vise?




I've always passed on a few flies to the host and I try to send something they might use, but am also guilty of sending the latest thing off the vise.

How about you? Typically I will send 3-4 flies but have sent as many as 10 before.

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I just pick a few flies that I haven't fished with and send 'em usually 3-6 flies depends on what i'm tying.

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I'll include a couple to a few out of my boxes that are tried and tested. I forgot what I sent you in the red/speck swap; I hope it was something decent.



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I'll include a couple to a few out of my boxes that are tried and tested. I forgot what I sent you in the red/speck swap; I hope it was something decent.




Actually thought it was excessive. :rolleyes: But everyone is a work of art :yahoo:


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there is nothing cast in stone, but it is a nice gesture of thanks to the swapmeister who has to host the swap, sort out all of the swap flies and has to wait for all of the procrastinators who are always late


3-6 flies are a nice number to send in

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I usually send 2-3 extras and since I don't know what a lot of people fish for, I try to keep it relevant to the swap. If it's a baitfish swap, I'll send a few extra baitfish flies that are different from the swap flies. I usually send ones that I have had luck on recently. The ones I sent you for the red/speck swap have done real well for me lately and have become new favorites.

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I'll include a couple to a few out of my boxes that are tried and tested. I forgot what I sent you in the red/speck swap; I hope it was something decent.




Actually thought it was excessive. :rolleyes: But everyone is a work of art :yahoo:


Robert, thanks and excessive is relative. I had a bunch of stuff laying around and have been wanting to thin out my overstocks. Hope you can use and have success with one or two.

With that swap by Horseshoe on sending only flies that are hanging around, I think I'm finally where I have some space in my boxes for some more flies.




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If it's a decent sized swap 3-6. If it's a "specialty " swap with just a few people (12 or less) 6-12. Some swaps are a lot of work to organize and get everyones flys out. Then there are those that make you wait ( and wait ) for their flys.....

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I usually enclode 3 to 6 flies, depending on how much time I have :)

Mostly a couple CZ nymphs, they are typical for my country and people seem to like them



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I have 5-6 'straight from the vise'-flies as a routine and I also like to vary the types. "A streamer, a foam fly, a ......"


Not much in my own eyes, but a small bite from each participant can build up to a more than decent pie from the crowd.

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