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Fly Tying

Cluster Caenis

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Hello all,


After a meeting with the anglers curse last night, I really need a pattern for caenis spinners. I would love to have some input, especially on cluster patterns. Any suggestions?





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Gave it a go, it's just a prototype and looks like shit, but if it works it will save me a lot of swearing...



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Hello all,


After a meeting with the anglers curse last night, I really need a pattern for caenis spinners. I would love to have some input, especially on cluster patterns. Any suggestions?






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Posts: 172

Joined: 21-May 04

From: Doylestown Pa

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Here is a cluster of tricos ,haven't tried them yet


Here is the video of how to tie them


If anyone tries them let me know



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i dont have a luster pattern, but when they're on the curse i like to put on a sparkler booby and rip it back through them on an intermediate. It works.

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Hi Petter,


That is a nice pattern but looks a bit involved. The only cluster pattern for spinners that I tie, I will describe.


To the hook shank I tie tail fibers out over the rear and eye of the hook in opposite directions. I then attach two sets of spent wings perpendicular to the shank and splitting the shank into 3 equal lengths. Use any kind of wing material you like. What you used above looks to be fine, I might decrease the amount of material for the wing though. Then just dub the shank your material or color of choice. Basically you have tied what looks like 2 flies facing each other. Very simple, effective, casts nice and rides smooth on the surface.



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