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Fly Tying
Stippled Popper

Joint Balsa Fly Rod Lures Project

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Earlier this year a gentleman who chose the handle balsa fly rod lures began to post some finely crafted poppers and others of the old and more modern styles on one of the other fly fishing site I frequent. After commenting back and forth upon our separate styles and methods, Charlie suggested he send me some of his bodies to see what we could come up with by combining our efforts and donate the results to worthy causes. It sounded like an interesting project so I accepted the offer. Here are views of the first two finished poppers. I plan to post more here as they are completed. These two each represent about three hours of my time. I don't know how long it took Charlie to shape the bodies. But they are works of craftsmanship.


Bodies and hooks: Charlie Brown of Pennsylvania

Painting & feathers: Ronald Braud of Louisiana










For the curious, the paints are:

Anita's Lemon Yellow, Lime and

Delta Opaque Yellow, Seminole Green, and Black


Tails: Marabou, DDH Dubbing, Krystal Flash


Clear Coat: Devcon 2 Ton Epoxy



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I think both of you did a fantastic job. I also painted and dressed some of Charlies balsa wood poppers lately. Charlie has some great styles, and I love his designs.

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Thank You Ronald. I do hope we can continue to work together in the future.I like to paint,but love to do bodies.It's obvious Ron loves to paint.The flies Ron painted are poppers, but also divers,so "Misery Bay pop & dive".Misery Bay ,a place I fish.The fish love them. I don't know if I should tell Ron. I timed the making of twelve bodies from start to the first coat of paint. Two hours. I always thought I was patient Ron has me beat.Hope you enjoy all our future work.




Why do you think they make "Rapalas" from balsawood !

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Oh wow, they would look really nice in my fly box :P The attention to detail here is amazing!

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Finally got caught up on other projects and back to this one. Hope you like them.










Here are a couple of popper related tie clips Charlie made and I painted.





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:blink::blink::blink: WOW!


Charlie and Ron - AMAZING work! I love the popper shape/profiles - just awesome... and the painting...amazing craftsmanship Ron - I'd almost not fish those!!! :lol:


What hook chassis are you using for those ?


Top notch work guys - thanks for the inspiration!


Bob V.

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