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Fly Tying
Chris norris

Fly Tying Vise

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Girlfriend and I went to a fly tying symposium last week in Somerset, NJ. Well while there we happen to come across The Nor-vise. Well we fell in love with the whole system they have for it. Anybody out there have it and if so what do you think about it? the only thing we dont like about it is the price. Take a look at it and tell me what you think. www.nor-vise.com

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Remember that vices are a VERY personal choice, and not everyone likes or wants the same thing, doesn't matter, music, cars, women, or yes even fly tying vises, we all have our opinions.


I have had mine for about 20 years (so long, I don't remember exactly when I purchased it.) I know it was between 88 and 91, and I too saw Norm using it at a show. I had to have it, and offered to purchase one right then and there. Norm only had one with him, so since I would be at the show all day, I bought that one, and picked it up at the end of the day.


I have used it steadily ever since, and only kept my older vices as loaners and for teaching. Through the years I have sold, given away,or traded all my older vices (I used to have a bunch,) except for my Dyna-King Sidewinder. The Sidewinder came from a friend, and I promiced never to sell or trade it off. One thing about the Sidewinder, is that it too will spin, but it is more difficult to adjust and keep balanced for different hook sizes. You will see the Sidewinder in most of the pictures I post simply because that is where I have my best light and background setup.


In the last couple of years, I have had mine "upgraded" with the tension screw, gallows tool, and the fine point jaws. These additions were done by Norm in about a week, and he has always been easy for me to work with. I had some of the origional auto bobbins. The spring system in the OLD bobbins was contained in each spool, and they did fail. I have had no problems with the NEW bobbins at all.


Most of the time, I tie on the standard jaws, and for me they don't present much of a problem tying on the underside of standard hooks. I use the fine point jaws when I die smaller than size 16, and on some of the curved shank hooks.


It the only vise I tie on, I even trave with it. I have a permanent base setup at my friends house, and a portable base for short trips. Its a quality vise that has withstood the "test of time" for me anyway. I don't see any reason for me to ever stop using it.


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I tied on one for a little over two years and ended up hating it. If you tie different hook sizes you need all of the jaw variations and you need tools to change them. The fit and finish is far below that of Dyna-King or some of the other vices in that price range. By the time you buy all of the accessories you could have purchased a LAW and had a far superior vise to the Nor-Vise. I don't see why anyone likes the damn things. :dunno:



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Price is actually not too bad considering how well a Norvise is made, and the various accessories that come with it when you get it at the "show price."


That being said, this vise is loved by a number of folks, and disliked by an even larger number of folks. You'll find opinions on the Norvise polarized like no other products in fly tying I have ever come across.


If you can find one to try out first, I'd strongly recommend it.

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I had one of Norm's vises. It did not suit me. However, I have seen Norm and others do amazing tying on them. I just wasn't comfortable using mine.

If possible, you should try one a little.

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I think it is one of those things that you have to buy into the entire system. By that I mean you have to change the way you think about tying a fly and change the way you tie a fly. If you don't and you just try to use the norvise like any other vise you will hate it. I can't see anyone liking it if there not useing it the way it was designed to be used. I for one would love to get one it is way out of my price range and have been very happy with my Dan-Vise.

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Wickedcarpenter.....you around to voice your opinion???



I thought the same thing oatka where is brent when you need him




Ha! He'd certainly remind us why he uses toilet paper...






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I tied on one for a little over two years and ended up hating it. If you tie different hook sizes you need all of the jaw variations and you need tools to change them. The fit and finish is far below that of Dyna-King or some of the other vices in that price range. By the time you buy all of the accessories you could have purchased a LAW and had a far superior vise to the Nor-Vise. I don't see why anyone likes the damn things. :dunno:


Because some people tie great flies on them and because of the speed of spinning. The quality of spinning dubbing on the thread makes beautiful bodies if you are good at it like Norm and others.

It's not for me, but my mind can overlook my own preferences and understand how others might see things quite differently.

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