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Fly Tying
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I'm new hear I actually already posted something in beginners area. I really am a beginning fly tyer even though I started tying 22 or so years ago...but stopped not long after I started.


My son and I have started Fly Fishing together several times a month over the last year so to save money I've started building rods and now we have decided to join the local Fly Fishing Club and to take their tying lessons together.


We mostly fish for trout in NorCal Rivers, I haven't had much still water Fly Fishing experience, but I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as stream and river fishing. We both enjoy nymphing, though I do enjoy dry fly fishing especially during the Salmon Fly & October Caddis hatches since they often attract larger fish to the dry flies.


So I thought I'd come hear to learn all I can... Starting with what vise to get, I've read several of the posts on the topic. First thing after New Years I'm going to buy a new vise, I have a Thompson now. Think I'm going to buy a Nor-Vise rather than buying something less expensive only to have to upgrade later. My only concern is that since they are the most popular I wonder how that will work with taking the clubs tying classes since from what I have read and the videos I watched it seems some of the tying methods used with the Nor-vise are different then with the other more popular vises. I'm pretty good at learning from videos, but my son doesn't have the self-discipline for it.


Matter of fact I learned most of my fly fishing from videos and have done pretty well as this year I took my son to a casting class and decided to join him and instructor said I did well enough I didn't need that beginning class.


We hired a guide for a first trip out together which helped us both, but especially my son. He hooked and nearly landed a 14' wild trout on his second drift while learning to High Stick within minutes of starting on the first day. I think I'll hire a guide at least twice again this year. Once I think I'll go by myself so that the guide can focus more on me as that first trip he spent most of the time working with my son one on one which was good thing.


I tried watching the videos in the Beginner Thread and I got an error back saying something about a server issue.


Well glad to have found this forum!

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Welcome from another Nor-Cal fly guy. Guaranteed you'll be inspired, motivated, and learn lots from everyone here.




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