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Fly Tying

Some of my Steelhead Experiments

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Here are few new patterns I have been playing with.












I have been playing around with Spey Hackle, Guinea Fowl, Teal Flank, Mallard, and in a few of these, Palmer Chenille. I finally found some Rea, Ostrich and Polar Bear that I found to be good enough, some I will start tying some intruder patterns soon and post them when I get some looking like I want them to.


Hope you guys like them.


Rick Passek

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Hey Rick,


Love the colors ! Love the way they are tyed too!


My one constructive comment and this is personal preference, the hackle is to thick for me.


Question Are you stripping one side of the hackle out.

The way it sits on a couple of these flies it appears that you don`t.


Some of the flies I do strip one side, some I don't it depends on the thickness that I am trying to achieve.



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AWESOME TIES! Never did anything around that realm but you have inspired me to try :)

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