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Fly Tying

Fish Reaper Tails?

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Has anyone ever used them? I picked up a couple packs of them on a whim at Bass Pro, and I was just wondering if anyone had ever used them. I was thinking they would make a good leech pattern, or maybe even a version of a soft-plastic worm.

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Good Day,


As a "newer" product on the market, you may not find too many, how shall we say... established patterns. But they move nicely in the water!



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While I have not personally tied flies with Reaper Tails, I know some tiers who have and they seemed to like the results. they are made of ultra-suede and while I prefer to tie with natural chamois I am certain this is a good product. I think chamois is hard to beat when it comes to its supple quality once wet. This stuff really comes alive. Here is a fly I created called the Femme Fatale, the tail is of dyed chamois and this fly is almost 6 inches long.


If you care to see this pattern in action check out this site

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Ill be sure to get some pics up once I get back to the vise. I've been out of town to visit some family but I get back today. Ill hit the vise up and and see what I can up with.

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How close is it to chamois material? It looks pretty close in the photo. Buy a sheet and cut what you want out of it.


As far as the motion of that fly in the video - HOLY CRAP. I wanted to eat it.



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Its really really thin. It has really good motion too. I have only got to tie like one fly with them, as this is finals week. As soon as this week is over, I'll really start to tie with them.


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How close is it to chamois material? It looks pretty close in the photo. Buy a sheet and cut what you want out of it.


As far as the motion of that fly in the video - HOLY CRAP. I wanted to eat it.



The picture and video I thought was chamois. Wasn't it?

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The picture and video I thought was chamois. Wasn't it?




Actually, I just looked it up and they state that the tails are cut from Ultra Suede. That's probably just a little thinner than chamois. I'll have to go back and look at some scraps I have laying around.



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