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Fly Tying
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royal coachman

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i have attempted this many times but i have never gotten it. how do you get the duck duill wings onto the fly with out seperating the fibers. i want a nice full wing but it always folds or something wierd.

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I'm not the best one to tell but that was the first fly my Dad ever showed me how to tie! Don't know why that one for a little kid.... :rolleyes:


It is the way you hold the wing material. I wish I could describe it but I'm at work...I think it is a pinch, wrap a couple light wraps then cinch down on a 3rd and fourth. Hopefully someone else will chime in or if I find a good link I'll post. It's really quite easy once you see the instructions.


Sorry I couldn't be more help right now!



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i have attempted this many times but i have never gotten it. how do you get the duck duill wings onto the fly with out seperating the fibers. i want a nice full wing but it always folds or something wierd.


Good Day,


You might want to consider sending a PM to redwings1.



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ta that is troublesome. but an easy fix, you have your duck in two wings right... right. place the feathers on both side of the hook. now keep hold of those fethers between your thumb and index finger (dont let go) make two set wraps just to get the feathers where you like the length, Keep holding. now you will probably need to give them a slight tug to get the barbules back flat against the hook shank. after your pleased with the look take one tight wrap around the front near the eye to secure them. thread between the wings to split them and two tight wraps behind, and bring the thread back through the wings add one more tight wrap. trim the excess and clean up and put on your hackle.

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When using wing quill (duck)

1st. and foremost you need to use a left and a right feather.

With duck quill there is a small "sweet spot"which is somewhere below the 1/2 way point and runs an inch or so down. This area has softer barbicles, and should have a minor reverse curve. Wing width varys, I use , width is equal to gap.

Proper thread control and finger pressure (wing set hand) is the key. These are fairly fragile and ya tend to only get a couple of trys in getting them to "set" correctly.

Measure wing length, hold firmly on top of hook (tips forward), perform a pinch loop, bring thread under hook then try pulling up to secure wings and without releasing any pressure, repeat the pinch loop and pull up, don't advance thread more than one or two wraps forward during the wing set.

Trim the butts and carefully pull up and slightly back and build a dam in front of wings. In most cases you won't need to form a figure 8.

Best to try other materials, Calf tail, calf body hair, bucktail, or anything white.

My preference is calf body hair for the smaller wings, or calf (kip) tail for the more standard material, so it becomes a variant or Royal Whulff

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