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Redneck Fly

Toe Tag

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Hey guys how in the world are you guys tagging these fly's. I'm using label stickers and hole punching the center sticking the hook in the center and flooding the label so it sticks together its a huge pain in the rear. I would like to know if there is a better way because this is the only thing I dread about doing the swap.

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you can write on a small piece of paper and stab the hook thru it.


address labels work too


sometimes i design a business card with a photo of the fly and recipe and put them in small 3x4 ziplock bags





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you can write on a small piece of paper and stab the hook thru it.


address labels work too


sometimes i design a business card with a photo of the fly and recipe and put them in small 3x4 ziplock bags



man perfect i dig that one with the hole business card. good idea


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you can write on a small piece of paper and stab the hook thru it.


address labels work too


sometimes i design a business card with a photo of the fly and recipe and put them in small 3x4 ziplock bags



man perfect i dig that one with the hole business card. good idea




I just write my name on a sheet of paper and stab the hook. It seems to be the going practice. Sending cards and such is nice but they won't fit in a lot of the containers that folks send for the swaps. If someone wants the recipe they can pm or ask in the swap thread and the tyer can post it for everyone to see.

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For just about every fly I've received in swaps a slip of paper was just punched through the hook point. I can't imagine a simpler and easier method. However, on more than one occasion the slip of paper has found its way off the hook by the time I received it in the mail.


My method is not as simple. I attach tying thread to the eye of the hook and tape my paper tag to the thread.

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Guest rich mc

i put myname on a slip of paper then cut it and run some cellophane tape overboth sides to help hold the hook better.rich

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I'm another one for a small piece of paper with the hook stabbed through it. I print up a sheet of paper with the tag info repeated for as many flies as I need, then break out the paper cutter and get to work.


I did get a fly back once in another swap where the gent had glued a small piece of foam to a strip of paper and stuck the fly in the foam. Elegant, but that's some serious work.




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I type out my toe tag info on a word processor, pick a relatively small font and print out a sample.

I then adjust as required, and when I'm happy I copy the toe tag on the sheet with cut and paste however many times needed and print.


By flipping my test sheet 180 degrees I can usually print all the toe tags on the original sheet of paper.


Then I cut out with scissors and impale the toe tag on the barb of the hook.

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Redneck - I probably use the same label maker; it's a Brother and prints peel-off labels, not the heavy plastic like the old Dymo labeler.


The spacing between the words is such that I print off a string of however many I need, then cut them so I have more blank space at one end than the other. I don't peel the backing off, just fold the blank end over and punch the hook thru the doubled up material. Doubling up the end where the hook is punched thru eliminates the fly falling off the tag.


I bet that's clear as mud.


(since I got that labeler, evrything in the house that doesn't move is now labeled; and some of the things that do move.)

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I use strips of index card and fold over a piece of the end so I'm sticking the hook through a double piece of card. I find it stays attached to the hook with the double card. I've seen single pieces of paper come right off. Also, it helps to keep the barb on.



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I use a strip from an index card. As a swapmeister, it is a lot easier to repackage the flies if the toe tags are kept small.

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I have used the small piece of foam glued to a strip of paper method, lot's of work as jburge said. I have typed out the whole recipe and name on a small piece of paper..2 " x 1 1/2 " and attached the fly, got complaints that the recipe paper took up too much room in the return tins. Now i put the name and my name and stick the fly thru it...

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I basically use Excel. Type my name into one cell and then copy and paste. I create about 100 tags per sheet and print off maybe three sheets. If I need more I can always print more. Sometimes I'll glue a small square of craft foam to the tag, but most times I just push the hook through the paper. I receive a few flies attached to cards, some in their own little display box or baggy, and a few with the toe tag attached to the eye of the hook using mono that was melted on both ends. I guess it depends on how creative you want to be.

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