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Fly Tying

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I had a small shop, and built muscle cars and custom vans, along with 4 x 4's. Rode dirt bikes and snowmobiles too. this was my best one 800 hp. BB chevy with a 671 blower. full cage, fuel cell etc.


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Use to do a lot of it myself back in my younger days when I had a big lifted Blazer. Lots of fun!


OOOOOOH... mudding. Yeah, mudding is fun IF you have the right truck for it and can find other mudders.

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Well besides fly tying, I go bowling once a week, riding my bike, and garden tractor pulling, I have an Allis-Chalmers B10 that I am setting up to pull with this coming season, I'll just be in the pure stock class this year, but I may get another one and soup it up a bit, thinking a 18hp v-twin! B) Some of the tractors have up to 70 mph wheel speed! I also play airsoft, just got into it this past year.

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you hit it a 1971 with 15 leafs in the rear with 10" blocks and 11 leafs in front duel shocks all around too. thing was a tank..

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