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Float Tube Question

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Float-tubes are a great way to fish inaccessible water. There are rods that have been designed specifically for float tubing, I fish on of those long, long rods and definitely feel they are an advantage. My only advise is, there is a little connection they give you for pumping the boat up, carry that with you in the boat while fishing, if your boat is losing a little air over a long day of fishing you can insert and manually blow up the tube.


PFD is a great backup, fins are an absolute necessity, a bellows foot pump is a great alternative to slow labor intensive hand pumps. I have also been known to carry a FT in my bass boat and left the girlfriend in the boat and departed on my own in the tube (please use a PFD when trying this manueaver).


I have experience with on major failure of the main tube, and I was able to easily kick myself to shore with the boat around my ankles because of the kick fins. Fins in my book are not just for moving around but a safety device in their own right.


Difference between an expensive FT and a cheap one? More money in the wallet for beer at the end of the day IMHO.

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I enjoy float tubes a lot. For whatever reason, ive not used my to much the past few years, but hope to this year again - and this tread really fired me up. I've found them very good in a variety of lakes and slower flowing rivers. Mine's an old Browning one - probably 20-25 years old. I've put new inner tubes in it a few times, but overall, it has worked great.


I agree on the flippers, vital. Because I'm paranoid, I use a little strap I made to act as insurance - just in case a flipper some how comes off in the water... I dont want that flipper on the lake floor!


I had a beaver brush up against my leg while fishing a floating bog edge catching large mouths once... that was scary! Other than that, never had to many crazy encounters. I do wear waders all year - I'm with the folks who have noted a strong dislike of leeches!


Once you get the hang of em, they really work out great!

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While looking for affordable float tubes I found:


http://www.amazon.co...t/dp/B0001AG90O The inner tube is not included.


I've fished from inner tubes on Lake Hopatcong in NJ as a kid. I just wanted to see if anyone had a chance to test this thing out and what your opinions are.


More than likely though, I'd probably get a Teton Float tube http://www.amazon.com/Classic-Accessories-...ef=pd_rhf_p_t_3

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You guys did it! Yeah, I saw this thread and got all fired up about float tubes. So I bought one on ebay. A brand new Creek Company ODC 420. I can’t wait to, literally, get my feet wet. Now I gotta ‘splain this to my wife.




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You guys did it! Yeah, I saw this thread and got all fired up about float tubes. So I bought one on ebay. A brand new Creek Company ODC 420. I can’t wait to, literally, get my feet wet. Now I gotta ‘splain this to my wife.




It's a good looking little "boat". Looks like it gets you up high enough to fly fish. Post a review on the sister forum talkflyfishing.com, along with some photos.

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You guys did it! Yeah, I saw this thread and got all fired up about float tubes. So I bought one on ebay. A brand new Creek Company ODC 420. I can’t wait to, literally, get my feet wet. Now I gotta ‘splain this to my wife.





glad to hear! good luck with the wife :unsure: mine was ok with me buying one but wasn't happy when i got it and was always fishing

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