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Fly Tying

Stacking Bucktail

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I’ve come across a bluegill pattern that I’d like to modify with some stacked bucktail for a few reasons. 1. I think it would look nice. 2. I’ve got quite a bit of it lying around.

Anyway last night I threw a few clumps in my stackers (med and small) and it didn’t work out to well. I stack elk hair and deer body fur with no problem but the bucktail gave me fits. I don’t know if it’s because it’s so wavy/wiry or the softness of the tips or both. If anyone has any tips on stacking this stuff I’d like to hear from ya.




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Just to clarify, I’m not trying to spin it or “flair” it. I would just like to get the tips to approximately the same length. Is hand stacking my only option?




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Oh ok, I usually don't have a problem using my hair stacker however it is more of an effort due to the crinkly nature of the bucktail. I use a lot bigger stacker than I normally would and really rap it on a hard surface. Good Luck!!

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Try stacking it in two separate clumps and then matching them up by hand or in a larger hair stacker as Sawcat said.

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pull the softest longest tips out. then seperate the lengths of hair by hand. place them together by the tips then trim the butts closer to the short hair so all is the same length then put in the stacker and bang it with your finger on the rim .



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What I do is clip the size I need from the tail, hold toward the tips and pull/shake out any short or broken fibers and then hold toward the cut ends and grab the tips that are uneven. Pull those out an realign them with the rest of the tips. You can repeat this as many times as you need. I find it a lot less cumbersome than the stacker. I'm sending this from my phone so if it isn't clear let me know and I'll find a video or something later.


Good luck.

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I'm thinking used paper towel roll. Might not last forever, but you can trim it to the length you want, and wouldn't cost anymore then a week or so to wait for the empty roll. you could even any size hair with it, and best of all....the mrs. wouldn't mind letting you spend some of that hard earned cash later on other things to tie with, if your using household items to forward your progress.

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Pull the bucktail 90 degrees to the tail and the tips will line up. After that simply line up the tips on the fly as desired.

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Drath - I've tye a lot of bucktail and blonde type flies, and I have had the same problem in the past. I have found that the hair from some bucktails are harder to stack than others. Some bucktails have hair that is sort of wavy in shape and has very long slender (weak) tips. These features can make it hard for the hairs to slide past each other in the hair stacker. I have found that using a larger diameter hair stacker gives more room to the hair and makes it easier to stack.


At this time of year, houses tend to be very dry. Static cling could cause the material to stick together (electric charge). I've heard of some guys wiping the inside of their hair stacker with a dryer sheet, to eliminate the static charge.


Another problem you could be having is if there is dirt or residue left on the hair from the dying process. The hairs may simply be sticking together, making them difficult to stack. Inspect the tail to see if the hairs are clean and easily separated. You may need to wash the tail in warm soapy water to clean off any remaining dye or dirt. After washing the tail, you need to thoroughly dry the tail before storing it away again. If it is not completely dry, it will tend to rot, and be ruined.


You've gotten a lot of good advice already. Hope this helps eliminate the problem.

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I have a really unique large stacker that I haven't been able to find anywhere else...I will try and post pics tomorrow.

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Hey guys, thanks for the advice. I ended up doing a bit of hand stacking (pulling out the longer hairs out and realigning them), then trimming the butts so fibers would fit in my stacker better and using that for a few good solid taps. It worked out well and only took a few seconds longer than the stacker alone. Thanks again guys.




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