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Pheasant Skins

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Hello! I have been a part of this forum for awhile now, and I know it is not the custom to ask for materials, BUT: I believe that If I am asking for certain materials and I give a reason I could maybe get some help.



The Idea:


I was thinking I could get some people to donate some pheasant skins (or just feathers) to me, Then I would Make some salmon flies, A fly for each skin. Raffle them off on this site. And then I would donate ALL the proceeds to the forum.


If this is not a good idea please let me know! thank you all for your time!


-Mark Varga

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Just a way to move (bump) the topic to the top of the list again.

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gregfred, easy guy, flytyer14 is simply a younger guy that would like to generate some funds for this site, although its free to us it cost Will quite a bit to keep this thing running. If it was out of line a moderator will put a stop to it, he's been tying a few years and has a limited budget. It may or may not be a good idea but give the kid a break.

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gregfred, easy guy, flytyer14 is simply a younger guy that would like to generate some funds for this site, although its free to us it cost Will quite a bit to keep this thing running. If it was out of line a moderator will put a stop to it, he's been tying a few years and has a limited budget. It may or may not be a good idea but give the kid a break.



gregfred is actually younger than flytyer14

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I realized that some people may be skeptical of me. But I honestly would like to give back to this site! It has been a great learning place for me, and I just thought It would be good to return the favor so that others (like gregfred) would still have this site around to help them too.

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gregfred, easy guy, flytyer14 is simply a younger guy that would like to generate some funds for this site, although its free to us it cost Will quite a bit to keep this thing running. If it was out of line a moderator will put a stop to it, he's been tying a few years and has a limited budget. It may or may not be a good idea but give the kid a break.


No, you must have misunderstood what I was saying. I was describing what bump meant, to reassure that I knew the meaning. And I am only 14 bro.

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Bro? :P that's no way to talk to Mr. Derrington! :P :P


you did also say nothing worth sharing....which I was trying to help the site...

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Oh, like a way to keep it in circulation even if you have nothing worth sharing...


My original post; Saying that bump had no real value but just to keep the topic in circulation. I am not trying to knock any of you, and if I did have pheasant skins I would send them to you. I really would. Also, sorry for the "mis-addressing".

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Ok, I looked you up and saw that you are a younger guy, I thought you were insinuating it wasn't worth his effort, and we look out for our contributing members so I appolgize for that.

Mark, post a example if you can


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