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Jeremy Parker

Cork and foam( hard and soft) Poppers ??????????

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I've withdrawn this post as I offended someone!!


Sorry thought we could discuss without hurting someones feeling!!




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My grandfather, who I remember only using one fly, ever, The Renegade, would often look at my tackle box and say "those look like they catch the fisherman more than the fish."


We've all tied and tossed flies that look like :poop: and managed to catch a fish or two....hundred. Just yesterday I was retelling a story from a few summers ago when I was fishing a Clouser Minnow (and if THAT fly isn't going to catch fish, than what will?).....well, the bass came up, didn't care for my fly, but took a taste of A CIGARETTE BUTT instead. So, my thoughts are of course the quality of the popper doesn't matter that much. My first few poppers I think look like crap, so for me, I tend to pick flies I think look nicer.....but the fish don't care.


Disclaimer - I've done some research this week to move from a nail polish guy to a airbrush popper guy.

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All of my poppers are painted with nail polish, and colored with markers..... I still out fished 5 terminal tackle guys with them from the back of THEIR boat last summer. Been thinking about the air brush simply because I would like to have some for sale at the local shop and nail polish is not the best looking to the fisherman.


I say we post some pics and take a little pole as to which people think will catch more fish and which will catch more fisherman??????? My poppers are not even close to some of the beautiful work that SP puts up here but I would be more than glad to put some money on it and go to the water with them.



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I think really it is up to you. Some, like SP, can tie a work of art. Others not so much. Each though will catch fish. I spend hours on my poppers but I enjoy doing it. I am not a big fan of the nail polish method. That is not to say it wont or doesnt catch fish. Its just not my thing. I enjoy tying and I enjoy the process of making the poppers that I make. I spent all day yesterday painting my poppers. For me it works. I love fishing them and having a nice smallie nail one. That is when it really becomes rewarding. Do what works for you and most importantly have fun at it. This is a hobby after all.




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Do what you enjoy! The fish don't care! :rolleyes:


While on a day trip to the Potomac River with a fly club I belonged to many years ago, a friend of mine gave me a slider made from a cork body, hot glued to the hook with some brown natural deer tail hot glued into a hole in the back of the head. No paint, no thread. I tied it on & caught a ton of fish on it that day. They didn't care what it looked like, it was the surface commotion it created that they were interested in. So, you can tell your friends my story, and also tell them :butt:


I like the stuff that's air brushed, there's a bit of skill & talent required to do it. If that's what you like to do, go with it. If you only want to use nail polish, and it works for you, then go with that! :clapping:


I like making topwater flies, and using them even more. I use cork bottle stoppers, preformed foam heads, and flat foam sheets. I haven't used balsa or basswood in a long time, but would if I had any. I still tie some deer hair bugs too. They all have a use, and I enjoy playing with them. :thumbup:


I like painting them too, only use a brush, but as my story tells, I know it's not necessary to catch fish. It's just another part of the process that I enjoy, so I continue to do it. I own an air brush, but have never used it. I will likely try to use it someday, but if I don't, no big deal. :dunno:


Do what you enjoy, & your friends should do the same. :cheers:


Although, there's nothing wrong with a little good spirited ragging & competition either! :drunk:


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...I keep telling them its were you throw the popper not what color it is, its a reaction bite !!!!!!...


So true. That being the case, it doesn't matter whether it is elaborate or not. Therefore, an ugly fly will not catch more fish than a more dressed up one as many seem to advocate.


...So what are all your thoughts on this????????????





Will an ugly made fishing rod catch more fish too?

First off, there are no ugly flies or rods.

Second, flyfishing, hell, fishing in general is a past-time; well, it may soon become a way of actually sustaining one's family with protien but we'll save that for another day.

Being a past-time and sport to be enjoyed, the different and many faceted aspects related to fishing each have followers that find peace and relaxation in that particular avenue of interest. Whether it be gear, tying, rod building, traveling, fishing itself, collecting, etc. you emerse yourself in it and enjoy it.

I have tied flies that have been labeled as too pretty to fish with. However, I assure you that when making my poppers and all flies that I tie, I am not tying them for the fishermen. I can care less what others think about my flies. I am tying solely to catch fish, you see, I love not only fishing but catching fish and over the years have become halfway proficient at it. I cast my "pretty" flies in the right location as you said.

However, I am also a person that enjoys painting, designing and working with materials and has an eye for detail. When tying, these traits and interests come through, can't help it, just who I am - I'm not doing it for anyone else.

A properly tied and designed fly will perform better and catch more fish - of course paint jobs have no effect on the performance. However, as an example: a tarpon fly with a splayed feather tail that is not tied properly with the tail evenly splayed will twist in the water as well as on the cast and do ugly things to your leader. Additionally, the angler will not be able to impart as subtle of short strips and ticks making the fly trigger the big fish's strike.

In the end, it is what brings you joy, not whether your fly and rod are uglier than the next guy.



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For me personally, I get a good portion of my overall enjoyment of the fly fishing/tying pastime, hobby, etc from tying. I spend a lot of time "prettying up" poppers, nymphs dries etc, knowing full well, the fish don't give a crap. "I" give a crap -- that's all the matters. I really don't know anyone who thinks a pretty painted popper makes you catch more fish, so I guess I find the topic here a little like "duh". I think we often spend too much time worrying about how many fish others are catching or what they're using or what rod they use or what waders they wear and then compare to what we're catching, fishing with, wearing etc.


In the end, to each his own.


If you like painting poppers with elmer's glue and some glitter from your kid's school craft box, then have at it. It's about each person's enjoyment of a sport that has many facets and levels of enjoyment. That's the beauty of our sickness...


"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after." ~Henry David Thoreau

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For me personally, I get a good portion of my overall enjoyment of the fly fishing/tying pastime, hobby, etc from tying. I spend a lot of time "prettying up" poppers, nymphs dries etc, knowing full well, the fish don't give a crap. "I" give a crap -- that's all the matters. I really don't know anyone who thinks a pretty painted popper makes you catch more fish, so I guess I find the topic here a little like "duh". I think we often spend too much time worrying about how many fish others are catching or what they're using or what rod they use or what waders they wear and then compare to what we're catching, fishing with, wearing etc.


In the end, to each his own.


If you like painting poppers with elmer's glue and some glitter from your kid's school craft box, then have at it. It's about each person's enjoyment of a sport that has many facets and levels of enjoyment. That's the beauty of our sickness...


"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after." ~Henry David Thoreau


Wow!!! did not post this to offend anyone just to share a funny experience!!!


The post is gone OK ???



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I don't think you really offended anyone or pissed them off, you asked "So what are all your thoughts on this????????" That is a question and people we voicing their personal OPINION.

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I've withdrawn this post as I offended someone!!


Sorry thought we could discuss without hurting someones feeling!!





I too thought you asked what we thought. I did not pick up any hurt feelings in any of the posts. I thought it was a great discussion also. I don't get it.


Did we hurt your feelings by not totally agreeing that airbrushed flies catch less fish?



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Add another confused member here. I thought it was a reasonable, non-offensive question that was eliciting some rational, thoughtful responses. Didn't see a problem from where I sit.


-- Mike

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I think I offended Curtis fry ????


And Kirk no I'm not offended in anyway! I just thought it was funny how my buddies re acted to my bad paint job??? I build all the poppers for the whole crew from scratch balsa wood, bass wood and foam, they say I make one of the best balanced poppers they have all used and then just slap nailpolish on them ??? Guess I should be asking them to paint them for me with all the work I do for them???


Guess I'll just stay away from sharing stuff like this with others unless its face to face so you can see the persons reaction???


Again I'm very sorry if I upset anyone!!!!




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On foam poppers, if you use marker, do you put anything on top of it to protect it? Or can you fish them as is?

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