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Fly Tying

Bluegill Invitational Swap

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I sent an invite with no responce yet. I will ask someone else. Also If possable I would like to change my fly. Please let me know.



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Whats the dead line anyway. I would like to invite someone if my PM get answered I will let everyone know. My fly will be the Stealth Bomber.



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They are great! and The Due date isn't yet known. I will let everyone know once everyone is in the swap.

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Perhaps people are in their fishing phase of the year and tying is somewhat on a back burner.


Also there is another Bluegill Invitational in a separate phase of completion going on right now.

That might have limited to a certain degree obvious candidates for this swap.

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I have accepted Kevin's invite to participate in this swap. I will send out an invite to keep things rolling along...


Oh, I almost forgot, my fly pattern is yet to be determined. As fair warning, it will likely be some sort of soft hackle fly. Hope that's okay with the other participants. Great group of tyers! I am looking forward to this.

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Invite was received and accepted. I already have my flies tied and ready to ship. I pm'ed you mark for the address to get them shipped. I will be doing the damsel in distress. I sent my invite and waiting for response.

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Well Dustin was kind enough to invite me to play which I so appreciate! I think I am the last one correct? I will probably do something like the Road Kill Nymph but we shall see.

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