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Fly Tying

Any bass fishermen?

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I don't know a whole bunch about good ol' bass but I see that you sure love you some good ol' spam. Joining one forum with the sole purpose of promoting another is as good as some fresh ol' bass on the skillet. Hell, why even catch those good ol' bass yourself when you can steal someone else's stringer of good ol' bass when they are not looking. That sounds like a good ol' time to me. I would love to spend some time discussin' some good ol' bass with you but I have to go grill me up some good ol' spam because this good ol' boy is hungry.

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dam' I missed it.

Didn't miss that much, just him saying " hi im form so and so forum, and since i joined it has really slowed down, so if any bass fisherman are on this forum come and take a look at this forum and talk about catching them lunkers!"


All summed up for ya.

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Dang, I clicked on this thinking it was a legit post. I love fishing for bass.

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Dang, I clicked on this thinking it was a legit post. I love fishing for bass.


I did the same thing i got all excited and whoops found some already fried spam lol.

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I love bass guitar too, but nothing beats a nice lead guitar solo by Pink Floyd!


wait....never mind.

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I love bass guitar too, but nothing beats a nice lead guitar solo by Pink Floyd!


wait....never mind.



Ok I am no English major and I can prove it by saying I read your post as BASS (as in the fish) guitar and not bass as in realy low LOL I just had to make sure that I spread around a good laugh at my expence. :) I did

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Dang, I clicked on this thinking it was a legit post. I love fishing for bass.



I love bass guitar too, but nothing beats a nice lead guitar solo by Pink Floyd!


wait....never mind.



Darn....I love fly fishing for bass lol!


Amen to Pink Floyd. Dave Gilmour is the man! As far as bass goes, nothing beats a solo from The Ox! (John Entwistle from The Who) He was an awesome bass player!

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