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Mother Of All Fly Boxes

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Down to the last week of getting ready for 2 weeks on the Au Sable so just been getting all my gear ready and decided I needed a new "boat fly box" for taking out in my boat when I head out for the day with all the BIG streamers for pike/bass. I've bought a number of large boxes in the past and they never were big enough, or laid out properly to my liking. So I decided to simply make my own so it would be just how I want it.


I started out with a craft bead style box from Michael's and 4 sheets of 6mm thick closed cell foam (about $10 total) 15" x 15" box


I made a template of the bottom of the box out of paper and used that as a guide for cutting and gluing the foam inside the box. Made a carrying handle by using a shoulder strap from a duffel bag, dremeled slots into the front of the box, cut the strap and re-stiched it into a handle shape. Added a rubber post which a spool of Maxima fits onto perfectly (my fav streamer leader material). Added a post which a pair of hemos fit on in the lid because it seems there are never hemos handy when you have a pike in the boat trying to dislodge a fly from his toothy mouth. Also added a 2nd upper foam piece into the lid of the box for top water flies and jig style flies. This foam in the lid is replaceable since it is bolted into the lid.


One problem I have had in the past is hooks getting rusted because of putting flies away wet. So I added a foam strip on the outside of the top lid which has slits in it so you can use it as a fly patch to dry the flies prior to putting them away. The foam inside the box holds the flies the same way, with slits cut into half the thickness of the foam (same way C&F boxes holds flies)


Added a pair of nippers on a lanyard which comes through a hole in the front of the box but stays attached, dressed it up with some decals I made on the ALPS printer, and the end result is the Mother Of All Fly Boxes ;)



















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Now that's a fly box! Would work great for us salties as well, especially with the drying strip on the outside. Nothing like a little saltwater in the box to spread some corrosion. I usually use Plano boxes on the boat so will often just lay the wet flies on top of the box until they dry before putting them up and hope they don't fall off or get misplaced. Not the best way to go about it but it beats having a bunch or rusty flies. I think I'll try the foam strip, great idea. I may try to copy this whole box but I doubt it will come out near as nice

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Nice looking boat box Steve. THere are some very nice ideas there. The lanyard for the nippers may be a problem with the gox fully loaded, but I think the box would be open when you are using the nippers, so you would guide it out without tangling in any flies.


I need to make a large box like that for salt water flies, and one for bass bugs. Your design ideas look very adaptable.


I do have a couple of questions; what are the rubber post used for normally, and where did you get those?

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Good job! you made a great fly box. I think I might have to make one of those when I get some time. Thanks for posting those pictures.

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Nice looking boat box Steve. THere are some very nice ideas there. The lanyard for the nippers may be a problem with the gox fully loaded, but I think the box would be open when you are using the nippers, so you would guide it out without tangling in any flies.


I need to make a large box like that for salt water flies, and one for bass bugs. Your design ideas look very adaptable.


I do have a couple of questions; what are the rubber post used for normally, and where did you get those?



I'm actually going to replace the lanyard with a large retractable "zinger" mounted inside the box as soon as I can get to a fly shop. That way the cord will be all contained and out of the way. The posts are actually a rod building product. They are inserts that fit inside of rod finish epoxy bottles http://www.diamond-ii.com/epoxy%20accessories.htm

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Steve, that is one of the most thought out and useful flyboxes for a real fisherman that I've seen!


Now, you just need to find a village in a 3rd world country that can crank them out cheaply and you can make a small fortune. Thanks for sharing your great ideas.


Excellent job!



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That big a box would really help when you would otherwise have to have a bunch of smaller boxes. If you were to sell something like that, I would buy it for sure.

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