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Fly Tying

Bass Worm Flies

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Need a pattern or a few for worm flies for bass here in Florida. It's hot so we're fishing deep of course. Thanks ahead of time!

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Here's one from the fly pattern database. Lots of good patterns in there! This is the type I use a lot, or I'll substitute estaz for the body material to give a slimmer profile & more flash. I also usually add a few strands of flash into the tails, but that's just my personal preference.


You can add weight to the hook shank with lead wire, or use bead chain, barbells, bead heads or cone heads to add weight. All will work. Some I'll tie with weed guards, some I won't.


You can get as fancy as you like with these flies, but IMO simple just seems to work better most of the time. :)


Rabbit Strip Fly

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I tie a real simple pattern, just twist some mohair yarn, double it over itself, tie that on the hook, wrap the body with mohair, and add a hackle at the front.

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I have a fly pattern in the current issue of Flyfishing in Saltwaters that works quite well on big bass here in south Florida. It was designed originally as a dredging pattern for tarpon but it's been used for everything from pike up north to giant trevally in the Pacific. Check out page 22 of the July/August edition....


Here's a pic or two, the fly in 4/0 is roughly 6.5 to 7" long with the largest bead chain eyes and a wire weedguard. The original was tied in all black, but we've had success with almost every color you can think of. It's taken fish in blue water, black water, and in the clearest freshwater. Anywhere that large fish are hungry... In the 'Glades these days we use a smaller version, 2/0, for tarpon under 50lbs and reserve the larger version for the bigger fish.

Tight Lines

Bob LeMay





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Need a pattern or a few for worm flies for bass here in Florida. It's hot so we're fishing deep of course. Thanks ahead of time!


I have had good luck with bass worms made from "hair skurnuchis" sp.?? I put lead wire on the hook till they slow sink after getting wet. They hold scent well also.



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Here is one I found last year on the web....I've tied it in white, chartreuse, olive and black and done pretty well w/it:






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