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Invitational dubbing swap flies

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Hi All,


Thought I'd post my swap flies for the invitational dubbing swap.

Horseshoes kindly sent me my choice of dubbing and I thought I'd experiment a bit ;)


You can view my dubbing choice on this link it was 'Hare Mix': Horseshoes dubbing link

It's a very fine long fibred dubbing that has a nice translucent sheen and quality to it. It dubbs beautifully and is easy to blend.

For the dry I decided to roll a traditional bubbing noodle, tied in at the rear and wound forward to get a thin segmented body.




I had some fun playing around with nymphs and decided to do a lightly weighted fly. It's a simple nymph:

Tail = Squirrel tail

Thread = Uni 8/0 gray

Abdomen/Weight = Fine copper wire/Hare mix dubbing

(Take small wisps of dubbing and dub directly onto the wire, wrap forward to thorax starting point and secure. Tease dubbing out with dubbing brush)

Thorax = Thinly dubbed noodle of SLF prism which is then dubbed over with wisps of Hare Mix Dubbing.


It's interesting to see how well the copper wire shows through the dubbing when wet.


Enjoy Karsten :)




Dry version of Nymph



Wet version of Nymph

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Karsten very nice flies. The flies you sent me are going to Montana next week. I can't wait to see what they do.

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