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Blue Crab Bodies?

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I am looking to see if anyone makes a blue crab molded body as mentioned in Dick Browns newest book "Bonefish Fly Patterns." There is a pattern referenced 'Juvenile Blue Crab' by Carl Richards. For the body it simply says "Cement RUB-R-MOLD leg and claw assembly flexible mold from craft shop." I assume he made his own mold and produces his own bodies.


Does anyone know of a source where these types of bodies are sold?

I did find Spirit River's "Bug-partz" but there was not a crab body as seen in the book.


Any input would help.




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The book that you're looking for is Backcountry Fly Fishing by Doug Swisher and Carl Richards. Along with tactics and gear there's a fair amount of info on crab patterns the way Richards does them. Can't say I'd give this book a thumbs up though... I found it difficult at best to get through. You might want to browse through it a bit before buying it...


Tight lines

Bob LeMay

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Capt Bob, I think you misread the post, he has the book and is looking for a material referenced in it.


dnance, I have no idea...sorry.

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After doing some more research online, I have come to the conclusion that he must have created his own mold and used the Rub-R-Mold to create his own mold for life-like legs and claws. The photo in the book shows an incredible sample of a fly that is very lifelike. Looks like the real thing.

I will keep checking this to see if anyone has any other ideas, but I am pretty sure it is from his own mold.



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After doing some more research online, I have come to the conclusion that he must have created his own mold and used the Rub-R-Mold to create his own mold for life-like legs and claws. The photo in the book shows an incredible sample of a fly that is very lifelike. Looks like the real thing.

I will keep checking this to see if anyone has any other ideas, but I am pretty sure it is from his own mold.




Good Day,


Yes, the late Dr. Richards did make his own molds. He also would use materials such as Liquid Latex.



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After doing some more research online, I have come to the conclusion that he must have created his own mold and used the Rub-R-Mold to create his own mold for life-like legs and claws. The photo in the book shows an incredible sample of a fly that is very lifelike. Looks like the real thing.

I will keep checking this to see if anyone has any other ideas, but I am pretty sure it is from his own mold.



Daniel the book you want is Prey by Carl Richards . In this book he shows how he made the crab boddies and what material he used.

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I have a friend who set a lodge record with these crab flies this past spring, five permit landed by one angler in one day. They also got him a Bahama grand slam also the same day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good lick with the crabs!

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Okay I looked up the book on Google Books and for the blue crab he doesn't use a mold, if you look on page 62 step 1 & 2 tells how he makes them.


Backcountry Fly Fishing in Salt Water By Doug Swisher, Carl Richards page 62




He also says something about waterproofing the yarn that's tied in but as I'm more freshwater you guys know more about this than I do, but the above shows how he made them.



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