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Fly Tying

Which Magic Markers ?

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I tried using a Sharpie red permanent marker on some white craft hair and after a little use, the red color seemed to bleed out and turn pinkish. Just wondering if there was a better marker out there that would not bleed its color to where you didn't want it and maintain its color. Thanks

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Not on craft fur, its a poly and won't take dyes or markers very well. will wash out. Been playin with some dyes and they wash out after awhile.

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Hey there robow7 I'm sorry for the delayed response but I hope this helps. I've always used the Prismacolor markers made by Sanford, They are available at office supply stores or craft stores. They are not cheap, I have a twelve color assortment that says its 25.00. They also sell them individually at some places. I have used them for years to tie synthetic minnow imitations or to color synthetic wings I've always been happy with the results. Here's a couple of links so you can check them out yourself, have fun .





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Kurecolor, Chartpak and Letraset Promarkers. The Letrasets are specifically marketed to fly tiers. They have the double ended tips like the Prismacolors.

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In time craft fur will fade out, its polyester and has to colored with special pigment paints. read up on it.

it cannot be dyed, only tinted, it CAN be colored, but once you wash it, the color will wash out and it will only be tinted.

example: you cannot turn faux white fur into a deep...deep red unless you buy ALOT of dye and leave it for days.


unlike a wig, the plastic used in fur has no pores, because it's not meant to replicate human fur, but animal fur.


I use this method, but still get wash out after use.


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