Guest Report post Posted September 20, 2011 As I'm sure most of you here seen, we had an issue with a sponsor and their unhappiness with some of the responses to the announcement of their new website. I have never and will never police what companies you can or cannot speak good or bad things about. That is one of the founding principles of FTF, a part of what has made this site the community it is and that is not going to change. At the same time, I sincerely ask you guys to think about what your saying and when your saying it. The topic that caused all of the problems was not a topic amongst the members here talking about the pros and cons of a particular product, it was an announcement from a sponsor. If you were involved in a charity and a company sponsored an event, would you start heckling them when they stood up to give a speech? I don't care if you guys love or hate a sponsor's product, that is your choice. I don't mind you stating that opinion here but please appreciate the fact that these sponsors are making it possible for FTF to even exist. Nothing has changed around here as far as what you can say, just use some judgement before you say it, that is all I ask. Sponsors are very hard to come by, especially in this economy and in the fly fishing industry in general. I hope you guys understand that and I hope you understand that driving a sponsor away is taking much needed funds for keeping this place up and running out of my pocket. Will Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
salmobytes 0 Report post Posted September 20, 2011 The sponsor who made the new website announcement got stung, unfortunately, by illegal spammers who have made us all victims of sorts. I use that glue and I appreciate that sponsor. It's good stuff. He's a good guy. But sponsors need to learn the ropes. They should know spam is an ubiquitous problem. So when he announces a new site, or anything else, he should say: "As a sponsor of this site, I'd like to invite you to .......what ever." Then it will be less likely he gets confused with real spammers. In the meantime I hope he doesn't go away. I use his products. Love'em in fact. And because he is a sponsor, he gets to say anything he wants. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHoss 0 Report post Posted September 20, 2011 I don't think anyone is saying "don't post opinions"... but rather don't start trouble for a sponsor who was just posting info about a new website… Also I didn’t see his post as “SPAM”… rather as someone who supports/funds the site, telling members that there was a new website with additional resourses and some new promotions This (members attacking sponsors) is not acceptable. People are making posts just to “stir the pot” or be “edgy” Do you realize that these sponsors are the ones that keep the lights on? Allow all of you to have a FREE forum? Make it possible to have custom upgrades (custom coded galleries)? And it’s not like these are constructive discussions… rather members just throwing out inflammatory statements that contradict with real life… even more ridiculous is someone who will call a person/product out on the internet, only to goto a tradeshow booth looking for free product. I don’t know what was up with lastnight…and the mob mentality… but most of the people talking negative on the thread have supported or posted positive comments about the product in the past Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FlyFishin'Jam 0 Report post Posted September 20, 2011 I seem to have missed what happened, but i can say their new website is 100% nicer now! Really does look the goods! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Horseshoes 0 Report post Posted September 20, 2011 I not only missed that event , I do not even know what company or website is being talked about. Did someone get a new site and I missed it while getting ready for winter? PS I miss the smilies.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
salmobytes 0 Report post Posted September 20, 2011 I not only missed that event , I do not even know what company or website is being talked about. Did someone get a new site and I missed it while getting ready for winter? PS I miss the smilies.. I think we're talking about Clear Cure Goo which is an Ultra-Violet cured glue. I love the stuff. I use it a lot. CCG (clear cure goo) is not the only UV glue on the market. But they seem to be doing the best job. They have all sorts of of well-thought-out stuff available--including UV flashlights for hardening the glue quickly. ...........the photo above is a fly (or perhaps I should say flyrod lure) made with a variety of materials. But CCG is an essential ingredient. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Panama Red 0 Report post Posted September 20, 2011 This was posted back in June...No Butt kissing intended, just honest facts. Posted 10 May 2011 - 08:26 PM It's easy to say nice things about a product or service when it performs as advertised or ships quickly...However, the true test of a product or vendor comes when there's a glitch in the system. Not wanting to be a keyboard commando, I will not post a negative comment untill I have contacted the vendor privatley (did it once and felt like an ass). So here it goes...A while back there was a thread about UV cured products and Brian Carson, maker of ClearCure Goo came on and offered advice, some took it well...others not so well. This post has nothing to do with any of that or UV cured products...just customer service. I had ordered two items from Brian followed by another, first order got lost in the mail and the second arrived within 3-4 days. Tracking number for order #1 showed that it never left Texas, contacted Brian who appologized even though it wasn't his fault and that he'd get another order out and throw in a couple of extras. The package arrived a few days later as promised, and inside the box was four different resins and a tip assortment free of charge! Brian didn't have to do anything other than contact the post office and remail the original merchandise I ordered, however, he went above and beyond what was required. This demonstrates both his desire to ensure customer satisfaction and provide exceptional value. I have never met Brian and have no vested interest in CCG, I just dig his product and the added benafits it lends to my fly tying. This completely unexpected act of kindness was greatly appriciated and earned my buiseness for as long as I tie flies. ...Sponsors like Mark are hard to come by and even better to have supporting a site like this. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harold Ray 0 Report post Posted September 22, 2011 I have used Clear Cure Goo, unlike the people who caused this problem, and it works well. I don't know the owner of the company, but I have met him and some of the people in his family and business. A year and a half ago, we met at the Gulf Coast Federation of Fly Fishers' Conclave in New Braunfels, Texas. I was tying flies at the meeting and he was interested. We talked; he showed me how to use his product and was a total gentleman. After he demonstrated the Clear Cure Goo, he sent me off with two tubes for more flies, NO charge. I shortly bought more, which wasn't that expensive. Many people spend the amount it takes to buy Goo drinking a few beers, smoking a few packs of cigarettes, going to a show or two, or many other things, so Clear Cure Goo isn't all that expensive, which was the problem the negative posters keyed on during the discussion, if that is what you want to call it. Several people trashed the product but none had bought any previously, so they hadn't paid a cent for it out of their pockets, but they were complaining about Goo's cost. Makes a lot of sense doesn't it? They knew nothing about it, hadn't used it, and had never dealt with the Clear Cure Goo owner, but they complained. One went as far as figuring out how much a gallon of Goo would cost when he had never even bought an ounce! Once several of us said something about their actions after the sponsor dropped his sponsorship, they explained the they really hadn't done anything wrong and it was basically the Goo owner's problem; something else musy have happened to trigger his reaction. The post was not "spam"; anyone could have recogized this because this product has been discussed here many times. Had I owned the Clear Cure Goo Company and been trashed as he was after a friendly post, I would have dropped my sponsorship, too. Business is expensive and especially at a time when the entire economy is in trouble. I'm sure our now-lost sponsor asked himself why he should waste his money on us with the poor reception he received. I have never seen, that I recall, any Clear Cure Goo complaints, other than for cost, but that has generally been from users who have actually spent money buying some. None of the posters responsible for this had even gone that far. If you have actually spent your money and bought and used Clear Cure Goo, it is very hard to criticize a product that eliminates the danger of many other products, like epoxy, makes a great head or body, and cuts the drying time on flies to around 30 seconds compared to many minutes, hours or a day for some types of epoxy or other finishes. There is no excuse for the actions that caused this. The offending posters acted in very poor taste and then tried to blame the Clear Cure Goo owner for the problem; that, folks, is pure BS. This is great website for many people; let's keep it that way. Trashing products and sponsors when you haven't even bought the product is BAD business, and in the long run, it costs us all, in this case, a lost sponsor, which is not easily replaced. You can actually buy the Clear Cure Goo Kit that will aid in tying a few hundred flies, depending on the size, for a total of $50.00. Clear Cure Goo Kit Contains everything you need to get started using Clear Cure Goo. 1- 10ml Syringe of Clear Cure Goo Thick 1-10ml Syringe of Clear Cure Goo Thin 1- Clear Cure Goo Curing Light and Tips and Caps as shown. Harold Ray Emerson Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JSzymczyk 0 Report post Posted September 22, 2011 Harold, with all due respect, if a few people voiced an opinion that your veterinary services were pretty darn expensive, would you tell them you intend to inform your colleagues not to ever treat any of their animals then run away in anger? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bluegill576 0 Report post Posted September 22, 2011 Also with all due respect herold, some people can not afford to pay $50 that don't drink, smoke, ect. even if it is for hundreds of flies Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harold Ray 0 Report post Posted September 22, 2011 if a few people voiced an opinion that your veterinary services were pretty darn expensive, would you tell them you intend to inform your colleagues not to ever treat any of their animals then run away in anger? Well now, that is a good question, and it has happened, but when it did, most of the people saying it had at least used my services. In the thread the other day, I don't believe anyone contributing their thought had ever spent a cent on it. I know higher price can easily be an irritant and upsetting, but that really doesn't mean you should totally disrespent and criticize the product someone worked hard to establish on a related website with 15,000 plus members, all who could be potential buyers and clients. When someone criticizes my price, I do defend it and explain why the price is what it is, and no, I don't quit; I keep on going. Nothing has scared me off in all these years, but its hard to pick up buildings and leave if I got mad or upset. I see your point and understand it, but I didn't understand or appreciate the statements made or the results caused by them. I always appreciate and enjoy the posts and thoughts made by those who were in the discussion the other day, but I do think this time their statements were not warranted or justified. Ray Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flytire 0 Report post Posted September 22, 2011 if you had actually read ALL of my posts on the subject, you would have seen that i said "i too had bought the product out of curiosity and even have flies in the database (on this site) that used it". instead you are accusing of me not buying and using the product which is totally incorrect! i am not going to apologize for saying that i think the price for the amount you get is too much. in fact all of the other similar products are overpriced for the amount you get. not everbody has dispensible income like you must have. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlexC 0 Report post Posted September 22, 2011 I'm sorry, but who is anyone on this forum to say a product is overpriced? We're not talking about chinese-made fly rods that see an insane markup, we're talking about a U.S. made product that I don't believe sees much markup at all. Sometimes, stuff just costs more to make, plain and simple. Just because you want something to be less expensive, doesn't mean its overpriced. The problem here, in my opinion, is that the owner of Clear Cure Goo probably fell for the illusion that the people who were bashing his product actually know what they're talking about- like so many others on these forums. Had he known these guys spend more time on the internet talking about fly tying and fishing than actually doing them, he would have disregarded their statements for the pure BS they are. We used to have a very solid core group of guys on this forum who would have called these guys out on their ongoing douchebaggery long before it came to something like this, unfortunately for us, they spend more time actually fishing and tying these days. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted September 22, 2011 Apparently, everybody has missed my point here. The point is not if you think something is overpriced, your allowed that opinion and I don't mind anybody sharing that opinion on this site. What I do mind is members here thinking that sharing that opinion when a sponsor starts a topic to announce their new website. If you don't like the sponsor or their products...fine, you don't have to tell them about it when they simply stopped by to make an announcement. The fact that this discussion is going on in the very thread where I am asking it not to lets me know that people are either not listening or don't care. What about potential sponsors that we are trying to get on board? You think they are going to be encouraged by all of this? You guys enjoy taking food off my table? Haven't I bent over backwards for this place for going on a decade? I just don't get it guys, I really don't. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHoss 0 Report post Posted September 22, 2011 I am with Will on this... It was a thread where a PAYING sponsor/supporter was looking to announce a new website and promotion There were three people who stepped over the line... 2 of which NEVER USED THE PRODUCT Those 2 members should learn to keep quiet... no one really cares about your ignorant/uninformed opinions… especially in this case I messaged directly with one member, and hope this won't be an issue in the future the person who has used (and previously endorsed) the product also went over the line you think it’s expensive?? cool... say so constructively... ONCE your bullshit pot-stirring posts have done nothing but cause harm to the FREE forum you enjoy Going forward... you don't like something... fine... talk about it... BUT do so in a constructive manner BUT DO NOT jump into a where a sponsor is looking to merely inform they group of a new website/promotion SPONSORS are the ones who allow this forum to be FREE, and allow for all the custom upgrades and support (take a look around and compare the forum features and functionality to any other fishing/tying forums out there) If there are any issues/concerns, PM/email WILL or ME There will be a much different outcome if this happens again Kevin Hospodar [email protected] Content Director Adversting and Sponsorship Sales Hatches / Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites