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Flash Material

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I don't know about Brilliant Flash but I have to say that Gliss'N Glow is the best flash material that I've used. It is my favorite for fresh and salt.

No affiliation, just sharing my thoughts. It is very supple and lifelike but very strong. The super fine crimp in this material really makes it come alive. In fact I think that is the other name it comes under, Comes Alive.




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The stuff I'm looking for is called "Brilliant Flash". I'm not sure what it looks like. I just know the fly I want to do has that in the materials list.



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Yes that is it. I have some on the way. Stipple popper pointed me in the right direction. Thanks


Kevin, let us know if that is different from Krystal Flash. It looks the same, but it's hard to tell from the picture. I hate to miss on buying a new product! Ha! Ha! Post a review if you can.


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