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Fish Pictures

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High water levels have stumped me this winter. I've been out several times, but I just can't find quantities or good sized fish. Only two worth photo-ing.




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I love the fish that come from tannin stained water ... very dark and, as you noted, colorful.

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Nice fish Mike. I agree, I like those dark water fish too. Big copperhead bream as well, they get that dark purple to them. I can't wait till the water comes down. I hit US 41/Tamiami trail on Christmas day and I could not catch a bass with dynamite. Saw plenty of them and even saw a few peacock bass. Nada, zip, nilch. Caught a truckload of Oscars and Myans but did not even catch a stumpknocker till the last half hour a day light. It was weird. Not that I'm complaining, love the exotics.


What did you catch the bass on?

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When I first made it, I called it my Panfish Attractor. I'd never seen one before, but now I know it's similar to a Panfish Charlie.

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Couple of big Browns and a Brookie, right, Crackle? Those are some beautiful fish.

I'm pretty sure that's a rainbow Mike, fish id is my specialty in the wildlife CDEs for FFA. Lot of fun being an officer.

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Okay ... I know very little about trout. I thought Brookies were the only ones with white fin tips.

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I could see how you thought it was a brown trout. That was my first thought also then I noticed how heavily spotted the tail and dorsal fin were. The spots are quite large on that fish. Pretty specimens of all of them though.

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Okay ... totally confused now. There are three pictures. I thought the top and middle pictures are Brown Trout and the bottom picture is a Brook Trout.


So now, I need someone to identify all three pictures, please.

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