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Fish Pictures

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Nice Bronzebacks, Morrow.

Here's one of my fish today. Didn't catch as many as usual, but the Red Breasted Sunfish were fun.


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Another day with a few fish. I catch enough to prove I still can, just not the huge numbers that make for a truly memorable day.

This Coppernose was the prettiest of the day.



Flytire ... when you get down here, there is one thing you'll need to be careful of. Of course, the same it true everywhere. If you get your fly caught on a low hanging Palm tree or large Palmetto plant like this one ... just cut the line. Don't even try jerking the fly loose.



These will surely ruin your day, if you rile them up. But there are some brave creatures that take their chances, like the 5 inch long Anole below the nest.



Nice, that he posed there for scale, huh?


Oh, and it you look to the right edge of the photo, you'll see there was a second nest almost as big as this one.

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Pretty great day out! Finlay got to try my new 7wt out swinging streamers!! Only managed one fish but it was a really nice 21" brown!! Also, i think i need a bigger net tongue.png


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I could only upload a photo threw snapchat an that was the only fishing phone I had saved with snapchat. I was just seeing if it would work. So now all I have to do is take pictures of my Flys or what ever I want to put a picture of on here with snapchat an I can post. I downloaded photobucket an it's won't work but I see I can use snapchat. Sorry for the pictures of my pin. Lol I chase crome with bait no Flys sorry

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Pretty great day out! Finlay got to try my new 7wt out swinging streamers!! Only managed one fish but it was a really nice 21" brown!!

Very nice looking brown, where was this at?

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Pretty great day out! Finlay got to try my new 7wt out swinging streamers!! Only managed one fish but it was a really nice 21" brown!!

Very nice looking brown, where was this at?


The Bow river near Calgary, AB, Canada. The great thing about the Bow is that catching fish like this is a pretty common occurrence. It truly is an amazing fishery, on of the best.

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Spent Thursday through Sunday on a Project Healing Waters trip to the Rapid River while staying at Lakewood Camps in Maine. Had really really good fishing, I caught quite a lot of fish, not a lot of big ones but a really good number. I caught my first Landlock Salmon and a few brookies, I was hoping for one of the big brook trout the area is known for, I hooked and lost a really huge brookie but didn't get it to the net. I really regret not taking more pictures and many of the photos I took were really blurry for some reason but here are the good ones.

















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Today was one of those banner days ... if the banner is the size of a postage stamp.

I caught more than forty fish today, almost all of them Spotted Sunfish.

This is one of the largest ones:



I did catch a few bass. Only one of those was large enough to photograph.



Although I caught a bunch of fish, it starts to get a little tedious. Fortunately, about every 6th fish or so was large enough to fight well.


Vacation this week, and I am going to try to get out everyday.

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