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Mondo Frog

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There's a deer hair frog floating around out there that's called a Mondo Frog...wondering if anyone knows anything about it.


I'd love to find a how to or a step by step for it...even just to see how the legs and arms are tied in/made.

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Yep, the Mondo Frog, know it well I do. I did a slide show on it and put it on hatches TV but i don't think its running any more. I'm on a fishing trip through the Holiday but will try and find something on it

. Now Lizzy's Frog , that is a more realistic version

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Yep, the Mondo Frog, know it well I do. I did a slide show on it and put it on hatches TV but i don't think its running any more. I'm on a fishing trip through the Holiday but will try and find something on it

. Now Lizzy's Frog , that is a more realistic version


Thanks Bruce...it's amazing work and I would be thrilled to see your slideshow!


I'm able to sneak away from the family on Sat and I'm going to try the Salmon River in NY for a few hours. We're visiting family in Syracuse and it's only 45 min away...



Tight lines



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Heres a slide show on assembly, basically each joint is tied seperately on its own individual hook.Then trim (cut off hook at the bend) and attach to the next hook segment (by mono)Once legs are built use mono to attach them to the main body. Same for the front legs. Eyes are two doll eyes glued together and back side painted, ENJOY B)

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