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Córdoba Sergio

Stonefly articulated

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Hi all. Sending an articulated stonefly step by step. I hope you like it!!!!





Hook: # 10 to segment and Body # 10 Mustad (curved).

Thread: 8 / 0 (white).

Segmented: Rabbit dubbing yellow and brown vinyl rib.

Wing bags and promontory: Scud back.

Body: Dubbing yellow and brown craft fur.

Legs: Silicone rods.

Tail and antenna: Monofilament.

Eyes: Epoxi

Colours: Permanent Markers

Latro: optional in the eyes or body





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Step by step

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Amazing fly and excellent SBS! I like it how it was a slideshow, very easy to follow compared to a video B)

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Amazing fly and excellent SBS! I like it how it was a slideshow, very easy to follow compared to a video B)


Thank you very much!!!! I think it's more convenient that way. Glad you like !!!!



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Thks for the SBS... Your flies are always awesome... A truly wonderful idea of tying an articulated pattern...!

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Thks for the SBS... Your flies are always awesome... A truly wonderful idea of tying an articulated pattern...!

Thanks Dronlee!!!! Your comments are always welcome!!!!


A hug!!!!




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Pretty fly. Like the use of scud back for the wings. Did you ever burn the wing segments from church window pheasant feathers? Just wondering because I've always done it that way. I'm going to give your method a try.


I love the slide shot format. I wish more people would do that. It is much easier to follow than a video.


Thanks for taking the time to post the recipe.

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Pretty fly. Like the use of scud back for the wings. Did you ever burn the wing segments from church window pheasant feathers? Just wondering because I've always done it that way. I'm going to give your method a try.


I love the slide shot format. I wish more people would do that. It is much easier to follow than a video.


Thanks for taking the time to post the recipe.

Thanks for your words and I'm glad you like!!!! Greetings!!!!

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