Perry Poke 0 Report post Posted December 23, 2011 Fellow Trout/Steelhead Fishermen' The topic of an additional fee "trout stamp" has come up among some of my trout fishing mates here in Ohio. The question of why in most states, that support trout programs or natural reproduction, we pay for a trout stamp, but here in this state there is none to help offset the cost of doing so. I must say that the majority of this group would be in support of such a fee if it helped continue, what we consider, one of the best trout,steelhead fisheries in the country. SO,,,, What are your thoughts on this? Would you be in support or against it? Please tell us the reason for your choice... This should be an interesting topic.......Thank you for your input. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHoss 0 Report post Posted December 24, 2011 Against To have a "trout stamp" You need to have trout I wouldn't be against an "Erie stamp" similar to pa But I hardly think that is needed since OH lacks the issues in PA requiring an extra lic/ permit Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riffleriversteelheadslayer 0 Report post Posted December 24, 2011 I'm not from Ohio but here in Michigan we pay $14 for a restricted license and another $14 to fish all species and I don't mind at all Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iso18 0 Report post Posted December 24, 2011 I'm not from Ohio but here in Michigan we pay $14 for a restricted license and another $14 to fish all species and I don't mind at all Same here. In WV we pay round 10 bucks for a trout stamp and aroung 20 bucks for fishing privelages and conservation and national forest stamps. It somes with the sportsmans package for a really fair price. If it helps the trout and creates new opportunities I would be for it 100% my .02 shane Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Druce 0 Report post Posted December 24, 2011 Well, here in ontario its just a basic 25$ license and every December 31st an additional 17$ I think for a conservation license which limits your keep. Often times in conservation areas you need a license which applies to that conservation area, these can usually be purchased through said organization. Personally I think anything a trout stamp is a great idea if the money where to be fed back into conservation of the species in the area where the stamp applies to. Im all for support of fish and so what ever the ministery throws at me for fees I'm not complaining....much. Druce Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Perry Poke 0 Report post Posted December 24, 2011 1324689417[/url]' post='487002']Against To have a "trout stamp" You need to have trout I wouldn't be against an "Erie stamp" similar to pa But I hardly think that is needed since OH lacks the issues in PA requiring an extra lic/ permit Oh we have trout believe it or not..... Mad River, Clear Fork, below reservoir ((recieves a stocking in late fall) plus there is a fair amount of stocking in other states lakes and ponds. Let's not forget the steelhead program along Lake Erie.... The state was stocking Clear Creek also, but not sure it's still going on. Thanks for your input. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHoss 0 Report post Posted December 24, 2011 I know the 2 streams you mentioned But that is hardly enough for a full state initiative And with Erie, what would the extra revenue provide? Ohio has large amounts of public acces and I have not heard of stocking being threatened due to lack of funds Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ditz2 0 Report post Posted December 24, 2011 I don't fish trout but if I did I would not be against an extra fee but I doubt very much that the money is really earmarked for trout. The state just takes the money and runs and it will go into someones pocket for graft. Just follow the money. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Druce 0 Report post Posted December 25, 2011 I don't fish trout but if I did I would not be against an extra fee but I doubt very much that the money is really earmarked for trout. The state just takes the money and runs and it will go into someones pocket for graft. Just follow the money. True that yo... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheCream 0 Report post Posted January 18, 2012 If you have it, call it what it really is for Ohio: a steelhead stamp. The number of fishable streams with wild/natural TROUT populations (NOT steelhead) in this state can be counted on one hand without using a few fingers. IMHO, the stocking of trout in warm water lakes and reservoirs should be stopped, not continued. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lance Kekel 0 Report post Posted January 22, 2012 I'd be all for it. Yeah I'm sure a lions share of the money would end up in the steelhead program but if even 20% could find it's way into the few stream that can support trout year round it would be worth it. It wouldn't necessarily have to be stocking either. Habitat improvement to help with bank stabilization and oxygen levels wouldn't be a bad thing. Apple creek getting a little attention from beyond what the clearfork chapter of TU and the city of wooster would be nice as well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
H.Champagne 0 Report post Posted January 22, 2012 I do not live in Ohio, but I fish in Minnesota and Wisconsin, both of which require a trout stamp. It is so inexpensive, 10-15 dollars a year, that I support the idea fully. A state wide fee for trout/steelhead stamps isn't a big deal even with only a handful of good water, because no one is going to buy it if they aren't fishing for trout, so the select few individuals who decide to pursue trout buy a stamp and support the fish they dig. With conspiracy theories aside, that money will help with habitat and possibly stocking, the latter of which is highly questionable, and the hope of building a solid fishery. I do not know ohio well, but if it is as it seems, a relatively warm water fishery, it still shouldnt prevent the few anglers who want to chase trout from being able to contribute to the small aspect of the fishery which they enjoy. My two cents.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites