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Yesterdays' adventure on my Local Flat

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Hey guys...


Went out yesterday with a good mate who agreed to show me the ropes when it comes to flats fishing... It's not something I do a lot of and until yesterday I wouldn't have thought I had the patience to do it on my own, ... No longer.


Despite only one fish coming to hand we had a great afternoon sighting and casting to dozens of Blue and Brown 'Bastards' (AKA painted sweetlip / slatey bream), a couple of Golden Trevally, and a longtom. It was tough at first but once I got my eye in, and when the sun peaked out from behind the clouds, the visibility was pretty good, and the fish were easily spotted. We managed a few eats, but only the longtom came to hand.


We waded for a while as well, and I got the longtom when I mistook it's irridescent colouring for that of a black spot tusk fish (AKA parrot fish / blue bone).


Here are a couple of pics from the session







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