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Fly Tying
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I like the addition of the salt water journal

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I had never had the opportunity to flyfish in the salt until about 5 weeks ago. We ran down to Panama City for the kids Fall Break (year round school). I've fished the surf or off piers or jetties and had a ball, but never had the nerve to try flyfishing. I woke up one morning about 0700 and walked out on the balcony and for about 300 yards either direction up the beach, the water was boiling and there was absolutely no wind. I grabbed my rod and ran down to the beach and for the next two hours had the time of my life!!! At first I hit nothing but Ladyfish in the 2-3# range, then I started hitting Spanish Mackeral and eventually a couple small Blues. A couple times, I had to wade out to my chest to reach them.......At the end of the two hours, they were still feeding, just well beyond my range and it was just as well because my shoulder was throbbing. I am looking forward to tying some of these patterns Striblu is posting as well as picking his and everyone elses brain for the next time I go.



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I'll definitely be picking your brain for next Summer, my brother just moved up near the Cape. In fact we're going to run up and visit him over Thanksgiving. I plan on going up for a couple weeks next Summer and hope to try some of your Striper & Bluefish first hand.....

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It really isn't a good idea to wade into a school of Blues and Spanish Macks during a feeding frenzy. They have this nasty habit of taking chunks out of people and Macks will fly out of the water chasing bait. We've had them jump into the boat and I have heard of them hitting people. I bet you had a great time, but next time stay out of the water.

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