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Clear Cure Goo

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Im sorry but if you use any fur than its tough to say a comment about being against a website because they sell a certain type of fur? What give us a right to judge animals stating dog is better than another animal? All i was asking about was clear cure lol


Selling, transporting, manufacturing with, or importing dog fur in the U.S. violates federal law. And anybody who doesn't think dogs are special is invited to raise a hand to me in the presence of the dog in my avatar. Name another animal that will defend you with its life. And I'll comment on anything I damned well please.



i don't see anything wrong with using dog hair in flies, i have a pet rabbit, and i use rabbit fur.


coyotes are also dogs, and people use there fur for flies.

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I'm not going to get into wether ccg is better than epoxy or not, but they do give a discount at the shows.


I don't buy anything from bears den either because of that. Is there really a need to use the dog fur. and the temple dog isn't just killing the dog and getting it's fur off. They skin the dog alive which is completely disgusting and I don't know how anyone could use that in a fly!



yes, i might be disgusting to skin a dog alive, but when people butcher chickens they cut there heads off and let them run around with no head

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I'm not going to get into wether ccg is better than epoxy or not, but they do give a discount at the shows.


I don't buy anything from bears den either because of that. Is there really a need to use the dog fur. and the temple dog isn't just killing the dog and getting it's fur off. They skin the dog alive which is completely disgusting and I don't know how anyone could use that in a fly!



yes, i might be disgusting to skin a dog alive, but when people butcher chickens they cut there heads off and let them run around with no head

ummmm, not exactly. I have a small farm right next to me that I help with the chicken possessing in exchange for some feathers. They put the chickens in to a tube sort of thing and cut a certain part of their throght so that they die within 3 seconds. Any movement afterwards is just nerves. Peeling the skin off of a dog while it is alive takes at least 4 minutes and the dog is alive during the whole time and even sometimes a little while after.

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I'm not going to get into wether ccg is better than epoxy or not, but they do give a discount at the shows.


I don't buy anything from bears den either because of that. Is there really a need to use the dog fur. and the temple dog isn't just killing the dog and getting it's fur off. They skin the dog alive which is completely disgusting and I don't know how anyone could use that in a fly!



yes, i might be disgusting to skin a dog alive, but when people butcher chickens they cut there heads off and let them run around with no head

ummmm, not exactly. I have a small farm right next to me that I help with the chicken possessing in exchange for some feathers. They put the chickens in to a tube sort of thing and cut a certain part of their throght so that they die within 3 seconds. Any movement afterwards is just nerves. Peeling the skin off of a dog while it is alive takes at least 4 minutes and the dog is alive during the whole time and even sometimes a little while after.




ok, so not all farms butcher them by cutting there heads off, but when my grandparents had chickens they just cut there heads off

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Whatever you say pal - we are all entitled to our own thoughts. I totally agree with you I think its wrong to harm any dog in that matter. I def agree with that, I have two english bulldogs - but i dont need to hear a tough guy act from you. Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and opinions, i was not trying to get any mad - you put your two cents in and i put my two cents in. If you are looking for an arguing match then you can speak to someone else or go comment in another forum. Like stated above I am totally with you regarding dogs and I know exactly what goes on in China, but instead of jumping the gun maybe you can just ask me instead of jumping down my throat. I WILL SAY IT AGAIN, i am not trying to upset anyone, i posted about clear cure goo.

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Im sorry but if you use any fur than its tough to say a comment about being against a website because they sell a certain type of fur? What give us a right to judge animals stating dog is better than another animal? All i was asking about was clear cure lol


Selling, transporting, manufacturing with, or importing dog fur in the U.S. violates federal law. And anybody who doesn't think dogs are special is invited to raise a hand to me in the presence of the dog in my avatar. Name another animal that will defend you with its life. And I'll comment on anything I damned well please.



i don't see anything wrong with using dog hair in flies, i have a pet rabbit, and i use rabbit fur.


coyotes are also dogs, and people use there fur for flies.




I def agree Dustin - thats all i was trying to say, i love dogs just as much as the next person does - again i will say it, i have two english bulldogs and love them, however many animals and/or pets are used in fly tying - what gives us the right regarding just dogs? thats all i was saying. Thank you for the back up as well.

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It's not that I have something against using dog hair. I'll occasionally trim some off of my dog, but you shouldn't use some that is from an animal that has been skinned alive.

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To be very honest I never knew this is how they got fur from dogs - thats FUC*KEN terrible! So i apologize and did not mean to harm anyone. If you really read my posts all i was stateing was all animals should be treated equally, thats all i meant

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Incase anyone was wondering and also on behalf of PeterJay, we spoke privately about this situation and handled it with no problems. We are both hardcore anglers and hardcore with emotions. We meant no harm and both just mis-understood the situation. I am very glad we could resolve this with no problems at all. I am a very bigtime dog lover and have two english bulldogs myself! It is a terribly thing of what they do to these poor animals to get fur, now I realize that. Thanks PeterJay for everything - glad we worked everything out.

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Good evening everyone ,



Before I hit my tying dungeon I would like some advice on the Clear Cure Goo topic - thank you all in advance


From what I understand epoxy is in the old ages lol - clear cure goo is the newest and greatest quick so called epoxy method out, what does everyone think about this? I am going to the somerset show in NJ with joe blados next friday and i am going to be buying TONS of materials and ordering some online as well - does everyone think its cheaper to buy at a show? or order online?


Also what does everyone think of clear cure goo?


I have used it 2x and fell in love with it - also their company has excellent customer service?



This is probably after the fact, but if you are going to buy CCG or Tuffleye or even UV Loon....save a TON of money and don't spend the $20-$30 light they sell. I just bought ***2*** of the EXACT same light(sans CCG's name on it) for $10.52 SHIPPED off AMAZON. One for the show bag, one for the bench. I figure that's $10-$20 saved to put in the ol' gas tank for my next trip to the salt.





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I had some, but I traded my stock for an M-79 grenade launcher at the weekly poodle roast last Tuesday. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go pluck a bunch of hummingbirds I netted this afternoon.

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I have used CCG for about a year now and like it but it does have one drawback. It does have bubbles in it sometimes and the tying fanaticks poo poo it for it. I think that the bubbles are so small and would be hard to discern from a fishes perspected. I hear that all the new glues including tuffleeye does that. I really like the fact that it cures instantly. No more using the spinning device and waiting for it to cure.



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