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Fly Tying
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Howdy all, from Delaware

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Well, you guessed it. I'm from Delaware. And my name is Chris.


Well, been casting bugs for years. Just now started turning and tying knots on bent pieces of metal. Well, my grandfather did a long time ago. My brother-in-law started a few years ago after I got him casting. Well, I put a lot of things aside to care for my wife. She passed April last and in the course I have been able to reclaim a little bit of me, including fly fishing. So, I get the urge to trying my hand and tying.


I love it. Complete noob here. But I think I have taken to it like a fly to, well, the end of my line.


So, hope to be able to contribute here or there. I know I will be doing a lot of learning so let the deluge of information commence. I am a sponge.

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This is my first serious attempt at tying. I call it the Delaware Albert. Has Einstein's hair. Well, sounds more traditional than 'The Delaware Don King'. But this is in continual flux. Did another variant tonight (the third thus far). Just messin' around with it.

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