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Fly Tying
Nick Williams

Other forums?

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Not that I do not like this forum, because it is awesome, but is there other fly tying/fly fishing forums out there that I haven't found yet? I am just curious to see, because I may get something out of another that I can't get here, though I doubt that's possible.


I already know and am a part of flydreamers.com, which if you haven't seen it go check it out. It's like a social network for fly tyers and fly fisherman, pretty cool stuff, but it just doesn't have some things this forum has. So therein is my question, what other ones are there?

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No, Im not kidding. I agree with you, this is by far the best one out there, I am not trying to say it isn't the best nor discredit the talent that is here.


What I am saying, however, is that if there is another fly tying forum or what have you out there, that I might gain something from. because let's be honest some of the material on here is harder for me to learn, say a SBS or an explanation of something here or there, because I learn hands on and visual best. So I theres another one out there that I might gain/learn something from, even if it is something small and minor, then I would love to know about it!


This post is in the interest of my learning, not to be negative towards this forum. I have only recently started fly fishing and even more recently fly tying, so I am trying to learn as much as I can.

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Sandflyx has given you several other forums. If you google "Fly Tying Forums" with the quotes, you will get over 400,000 hits. Many will be to this forum, and some will be to the hundreds of other forums out there. There are some active, and some not so active. Just browse around, find out for yourself if your missing anything.

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Sweet, I'll check those out. And yeah I tried googling, but anything over like 100 hits is a nightmare trying to sort through. Thanks guys.

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do a google search like utyer suggests


but beware!! some forums are run very strick (if you think for yourself and not as the collective would, you will get banned) and some moderators (not here!) are just plain idiots. thats my opinion!


i currently participate in 8 forums and i'm sure theres 100's of other forums out there

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No doubt this is the best, but there are some other good ones too. I like:


FAOL Forum







The latter is mostly rodbuilding but also has some other good stuff.


These should keep you busy



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Nick, don't overlook the option of a good beginner's book. I haven't looked for one in quite a while, but I'm sure some of the others here could recommend something. I'm like you, I learn best by experience, but I've picked up a lot of useful info over the years from authors like Poul Jorgensen. There are also some great pattern books out there once you get the basics down. As has been mentioned, a lot of people on other sites are so locked into their own personal styles that anybody who comes up with something that doesn't fit the mold is treated like a leper. IME, that's not usually the case here.

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I'm sure there are lots of "specialty" tying/fishing forums out there also. I participate in one - flymphforum, devoted to wingless wets and run by one of the members here.

If you're into tying only with yearling albino yak hair :blink: , I'm sure there's a forum for folks with that interest.

It's fun to look, anyway.

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Hi Nick,


I'm a little surprised that no one has listed the North Eastern Fly Fishing (NEFF) forum yet. If you haven't checked it out yet, you don't know what your missing. Here's a link to one of the active threads on there.






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X2 on more specialty forums. There are tying sections on Washington Fly Fishing forum and Spey pages. I read both because of where and how I fish, but the tying is nothing compared to this site.

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I'm a little surprised that no one has listed the North Eastern Fly Fishing (NEFF) forum yet. If you haven't checked it out yet, you don't know what your missing.


beware of the drama king on that one :angry:

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