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Fly Tying

Bull/Brown Trout Streamer Swap

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You're in, MrFlyFisherGuy! Please see my PM about your question on return postage to Canada.


Welcome aboard!


With your addition, this swap has become INTERNATIONAL!! Yippee!



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Really wish it wasn't the end of the semester with exams... this looks like a great one. Too bad I have to sit this one out...Maybe someone can post pictures after the swap?

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Maybe someone can post pictures after the swap?


Great idea! I'll take a few pics and post them here before I send off the completed sets of swap flies.


I'd also invite anyone who wants to post pics of your submissions here before you send them off. If you want.




PS Come on PolarBear, it's just a few finals. How long can a dozen streamers really take? :lol: Take care - maybe next time.

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I'm in - TBD. I will send you US currency for the return postage so no problems there!



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djgunter is in. Welcome aboard!


Building up our international presence - this is fun!



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Wow Jim this swap is filling up fast! Heres a picture of my black ghost, i hope its not to blurry it was uploaded via cell phone. Im tying them in size 8, this was on a 3 x hook, for the actual swap I will be using 6 x.


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Yes, I think MrFlyFisherGuy had a great moment of inspiration when he suggested the trout streamer idea. We are filling fast with just a few spots left open.


I'm sure we'll fill the swap either way, but if any of you know someone that does streamers well, please mention it to them. Otherwise they might miss out on this round.


Say, Evan, that's a fine-looking streamer. I once tied a similar one with basically inverted colors and called, you guessed it, a White Ghost. I lost it before I caught anything though.


As for myself, I'm zeroing in on my pattern: likely a Rapid Muddler, which you probably have never heard of since I only just named it seconds ago! It is modified Muddler Minnow that resembles the Snake River Muddler. I used it last summer to pull numerous Brook Trout from Rapid Lake, hence the name. I figure Brook and Bull are so similar that it would still fit in with our theme.


Either that one in #8 or else...?


I'll post a photo once I decide.



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I'm in with a Zonker style streamer, If you'll have me.





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Any more takers? We've got a good mix and a good crowd, but we could still use a few more tiers to round out the dozen.


Hmm, maybe I should post a pic of my entry. Just a minute...


Here's one on the vise:




And some more hanging around, waiting for final trim:



These are on Mustad 3665A 6XL #8 Streamer hook.



Got some more to do and then some to replace the goofs.



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Harris Specials are ready to travel. I'll get to the Post Office later this morning B)


Great looking fly, Bob. Always a pleasure to see/get your flies in a swap.




PS Mine are only half done - now it's a race to see if I finish mine before yours arrive for "first flies to SM" honor. Gee, I guess the SM should be excluded...

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