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Fly Tying

Bull/Brown Trout Streamers

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Whats your favorite pattern to throw at a bull or a brown trout in a river this time of year? Personally for me the double bunny with a pink under body never fails. This pattern was proved successful for the humble fisherman in Alberta. I'm hitting the river this next weekend and need to tie up some patterns. Here's where I'm at so far.

Double bunny

Sparkle Leech

Marabou Streamer

The Wing Streamer

bunny leech

Zoo Cougar

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A modified muddler minnow tied all black with a black feather tail and replace the turkey feathers tied in before the deer hair with a strip of black rabbit. Tie a silver tinsel body and a silver cone head. It worked real well last year in Montana.

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I have only fished for and caught Bull Trout once. I love catching large Browns and night fishing is my favorite method. Here are some from my box. They are all size #2 or #4.









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i like big patterns or articulated flies for browns


i like zoo cougars 2- 3/0

also galloups fathead/hefer groomer 2/0 x 2 & sex dungeon 2/0 x 2

big rabbit strip muddlers 2-3/0

ive been using an articulated deciever for a few years now also 2/0 x 2

the murdich minnow in 2 - 3/0


best color zoo cougar/fathead/sex dungeons are yellow & white!olive is another good choice

the rabbit strip i use in a brown w/ flash

the cotton candy deciever is awesome! also yellow & white

the murdich minnow in a silver/pearl shiner & a watermelon rainbow trout


i fish atleast 5 days a week for big browns on heavy pressured water i dont catch alot of big fish but these patterns get me some giants every year

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Big muddlers, especially black.


Big woolly buggers, again, mostly black.


Zonkers - the eight-pound river brown on my wall fell victim to a gold variant zonker with a gold body.


Anything that resembles a sculpin.


Crayfish patterns.


All the above flies in weighted and unweighted versions.


Regardless of the pattern, big browns are more receptive under low-light conditions. Doesn't have to be at night, dark, stormy days are good times to fish. The worse the weather, the better. I've only seen one giant bull trout, and that was 20 years ago on the Clearwater in Idaho - I was walking my dog at dawn and didn't have my rod with me. (of course) The fish was plowing through a shallow riffle, hunting spawning kokanees. It was easily the biggest trout I've ever seen - had to go at least 13-14 pounds, probably more. When I went back the next year, I brought some big kokanee deceivers in olive and red, but no more giant bull trout. When we were kids in Rhode Island, we used to fish under a dam with live shiners, and we caught some awesome holdover/wild browns. I'd say anything that closely resembles a minnow would aso be a good bet. IME, fishing in dim light and learning to read the water are far more important than fly patterns, as long as you're using something that resembles "big fish food." Pools that contain a bunch of small trout are unlikely to hold a really big fish. (nothing's gonna hang out with something that'll eat it) If a pool looks extremely "fishy" and seems to be barren, that's where I like to concentrate my efforts.

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Hey, we've got a Bull/Brown Streamer swap going on, suggested by MrFlyFisherGuy who started this very discussion.


We're still looking for a few more swappers - any of you game? (I'm refering to the ones not already in the swap...)



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I usually fish browns at dark and use mice patterns fished right up on the edge of under cut banks and log jams or if its bright moon like full moons I use sculpin patterns or murdich minnows with a rattle but the mice is by far my best producer for the monsters including 3 over 30 inches long one of which took the mouse off the side of the bank so violently he beached himself

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For large browns I fish the Truckee River. I mostly use articulated squidro type flies and a few of Kelly Galloup's patterns, zoo cougars, sex dungeons, circus peanuts. Also any sculpin pattern like muddlers ect.

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I use double bunny streamers for large bulls here in Idaho. We call them string leeches, they have ALOT of weight and can be up to 8" long. We tie them in a variety of colors...white/orange, white/pink, white/olive and so on. Heading up to the Oldman this summer and could use a little advise on what people throw up there. Anything would be appreciated. :D

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I usually fish browns at dark and use mice patterns fished right up on the edge of under cut banks and log jams or if its bright moon like full moons I use sculpin patterns or murdich minnows with a rattle but the mice is by far my best producer for the monsters including 3 over 30 inches long one of which took the mouse off the side of the bank so violently he beached himself



Where do you fish for these monsters?


I'd say you have a better chance of walking on the moon than you have of getting an answer to that question. (LOL)

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