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Jake W.

Northern Pike Fishing

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I have been reading up about northern pike fishing in preparation for a trip up to some amazing lakes up in the Canadian wilderness. I am planning on going in late June, so I am thinking the pike will still be in the shallow water. I have read some great things about fishing a 4-6 inch streamer, but the specifications of these streamers wasn't mentioned in my book. I anyone has any good patterns that have worked well for them, or if anyone has any information on fishing for these pike, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you for your time,

Jake Wojnicki

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My pikefishing experience is very limited.....There was a tutorial done on here by a couple of long time members..Sean Juan and double haul i think it was titled Pikefishing 101...it was a great article covering everything from tackle/flies/tactics....I have tried looking for it, but can't find it...maybe somone smarter than me can play on the search feature and come up w/it for you...i will say this, the primary fly i used for my pike fishing was bunny strip leeches, both single and double in chartreuse, olive or red 4-5 inches long and i caught pike up to about 35" on them. They are very durable...



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Bunny flies are great but can be heavy when wet and if you're not used to casting flies like this it can make for a frustrating tiring day. The synthetic materials like EP fibres and various flash makes light flies that are still effective. www.pffa.co.uk has some good info. I would say that with a 4" fly you'll catch plenty of pike and its not too big. A popper fished on a sink tip so it pulls down on the retrieve can work well. Fish along weedbeds and brush and remember to strip stike with your line hand, fly rods often too soft to hook into the bony jaw.

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