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Got a Bite

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Today I went to the South Branch Potomac and did well with the smallmouth and rockbass. There are Grannom's comming off all over the place. It was different to see a cruzing carp rise to a caddis like he was a rainbow. Now to the "rest of the story".


I was on my was back to the truck and came through some brush and heard splashing. I looked around and in front of me was a copperhead with a mouth full of sunfish. The fish was flopping around doing all it could to get out. As I pulled out my camera I was splashing to keep it near for a picture. After I got a few I used my rod tip to pick it up and move it to the bank for a better picture. Well then we had a problem. :unsure: The snake dropped the fish and came at me. Let me tell you I look like Richard Pryor in the TOY. I came the H@#&l out of there. He wasnt using me for a sub. That was messed up!! :huh:



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All time photo...What's up with the bone in the right upper corner of the picture? Could it be the last fisherman who disturbed the snakes dinner :blink:

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copperheads are some mean snakes. they will tag you quicker than any rattlesnake. haha im with panama red i think thats the last guy who picked him up with his rod tip :lol:

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Great pic!

Many years ago I had a stringer of bluegill hanging in the water. When I pulled it up a HUGE water moccasin was hanging onto one of the fish. Taught me a great lesson.

Oh...and I got him off with a load of ratshot.

Which, by the way, brings me to that subject.

If you are going fishing in snake-filled waters, and are in a state that has a concealed carry law, carry a pistol with rat shot. My recommendation is a .38 but you may be more comfortable with a .22 or .25 if you are not gun friendly. A rat shot accident is painful to humans but not frequently terminal, so it is a good option. It also won't put a hole in the bottom of the boat.

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Awesome picture. I haven't seen a wild water moccasin since I moved to Minnesota. The fishing is great here, but field-herping is a bit boring. It's 95% painted turtles, green frogs, and garter snakes.

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Awesome picture. I haven't seen a wild water moccasin since I moved to Minnesota. The fishing is great here, but field-herping is a bit boring. It's 95% painted turtles, green frogs, and garter snakes.


Least week I looked up on a mountian side and there was a black bear cub then I started getting a little uneasy.It was about 35 lbs I never did se momma. The cub was only 20 yrs away.



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Cool picture. Interesting fact most human snake bites are on the hand when people try to pick them up. For an interesting snake bite video go to youtube and look up Jimmy Kimmel snake bite.

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Cool picture. Interesting fact most human snake bites are on the hand when people try to pick them up. For an interesting snake bite video go to youtube and look up Jimmy Kimmel snake bite.

I just watched that and that was crazy. I'll bet there will be no more animals on his show.



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