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Does anybody else have trouble trying to get the breathable type waders to last? Ive had several different brands and i can barely get a year out of them before they start to completely fall apart. To me this just seems crazy especially for how expensive they are. I mean my dad has had a pair of neoprene waders he paid 40 bucks for and they have lasted 10 years.. I never store them folded or anything, i generally think i take pretty good care of them but can not get them to last. sorry if i posted this in the wrong section didn't really know where to put it

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How are they failing?


It depends on how you use them. If you fish 3 days a week, year round and have to cross barbed wire fences, push through berry briars and slide down a bank on your butt, to get to the stream, they won't last long. I can get about three seasons out of a pair of Dan bailey lightweights. Thats maybe 150 days without babying them. They may need a patch from time to time. I got a pair of Redington Sonic-Pros this year. I like them but it's too soon to tell about durability.

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Waders are prone to leaks, usually at the seams or where the neoprene stocking foot attaches to the legs. Use and care have a lot to do with how long they will last.


There are two schools of thought: #1 is to buy inexpensive waders <$100 and if you get a year's use before they leak, then you got your moneys worth. #2 is to buy the best that you can afford and get 3-5 years of use.


Personallly, I went with #2. My wife & I were fishing a trout stream in Maine, and mine started to leak. No amount of AquaSeal would totally stop the leaks. Next day, hers started to leak, and both of the waders were name brand waders. Nothing worse or more miserable than to have cold wet feet in the middle of winter.


We searched the net, and asked around to different friends as to what brand they had. We ended up getting Simms G3 stocking foot waders from a friend that owned a fly shop. They are four years old now, and had some use and abuse, but they don't leak even today. Simms has a great warranty, and will repair them for the shipping fee on the first time they start to leak.


Basically, I think you have to look at waders as an expendable item which will need replacement some time in the future.



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There is a guy in the UK called DiverDave's wader repairs. He offers a service where he puts the waders through a re-proofing process. either used ones or as new ones. claims that the waders last a lot longer. I haven't used the service so can't give my opinion but its worth a look.


Edit: meant to say he is a world wide service

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they usually fail at the seams. I'm pretty good about taking care of them as i really don't have the money to buy waders all the time. I've thought about the new seamless waders designs but they are all so expensive and with my luck they would still start to fall apart after a year. Ive heard that simms is a really good company, thats the one brand i have not tried yet.

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Could the fit be part of the problem? If they are even a just a little small, you could be putting extra stress on the seams. You should be able to squat, kneel, and step over a big log without any binding. The stretch of neoprene makes them more forgiving.

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No they fit really well, if anything to loose. Maybe I'm just expecting to much from them. Is there any other brand of sealant that is better than aqua-seal to fix the leaks?

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No they fit really well, if anything to loose. Maybe I'm just expecting to much from them. Is there any other brand of sealant that is better than aqua-seal to fix the leaks?

Have you tried Marine Goop? Its 5-7$ a tube for 8-9 oz's at walmart. Just remember to apply it to the leak a good 3-4 days before your next trip becuase it takes alot longer then 24 hours to dry.

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according to the people on another site which has something to do with Fly Anglers being On Line, you can buy a cheap set of waders from LL Bean and just keep sending them back forever when they tear or leak.


Not according to Bean's customer service rep I spoke with, but I read it on the internet so it must be true!


A good quality, properly fitting set of waders should not leak so soon unless they've been abused. I would think any wader maker would replace a year-old set unless they show signs of obvious mistreatment.

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have u tried to send the LL bean ones back and they said they couldnt accept them? anytime you spend 200+ on waders these companys could make a better warranty granted you just dont beat the sh** out of the waders. i guess thats just my opinion though

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I have a 3mm neoprene guide series from Gander Mountain, but it usually use then in the very beginning, very end of the season, and for waterfowling. Most of the season I just wet wade with a set of $9 water shoes.

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