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ASG MK 111

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Is this too good to be true $38.00 ? From the pics it seems to well made . The old saying if it's too good to be true, it is. Anyway I would like to know if anyone uses one and the pros and cons. As you can tell I'm a newbie that has been tying on a kit vise, which serves me well, in fact it's the only one I ever seen. Many thanks, milo3

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Mark 111 vise:


The ASG MK 111 is the same vise at the one linked above. They are a "clone" or knock off of the Regal vises. Yes it rotates, and yes it will hold a hook. The price is better from J Stockard (above,) and they are a site sponsor. If you want an inexpensive Indian made vise, get the best price you can find on it. This vise is sold under different names by a lot of different outlets. They are all pretty much the same.


A true rotary vise should rotate with the hook shank at the center of rotation, and in my view it should do this smoothly without wobble. With the closing lever out to the side like on these, it will cause it to be somewhat out of balance.


If you get one of these vises, be careful about placing hooks in the jaws (especially small hooks.) If the hook isn't placed correctly the pressure of the vise can snap the hook out of the jaws, and sometimes this will damage the jaws.


Get the best price (above,) and its OK. I didn't say great, but OK. It should work.

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Be careful - there is a difference between "rotary" and "full rotary". A rotary vise lets you turn the jaws all the way around so you can see the other side of the fly, but is very awkward to use to wind materials on the hook. Not intended for that. An example is the Regal Medallion, and the similar vise you are looking at.


A full rotary vise holds the hook shank like utyer said, and is intended to let you wind material on the hook by turning the jaws and holding the material in one spot, as opposed to winding the material around the hook. examples are Renzetti models and the Nor-Vise. Most tyers who use a full rotary don't use it to it's full potential, so it's like having a really fancy SLR camera, and only using the full automatic setting to take pictures.


I have both a full rotary (Griffin Mongoose) and a rotary (Regal Medallion). I use the Regal for all my tying. The Griffin is a great vise, but I prefer the simplicity and hook holding power of the Regal. BUT - to each his own. There are lots of vises out there, and everyone has a favorite. Remember, all the vise does is hold the hook so you can tie dead animal parts to it. :unsure:

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I had a MK 111 for my first vice. I now have a Griffin rotary and I enjoy it. I haven't perfected wrapping materials with the rotary feature although it is my perfered method when wrapping wire or any ribbing. I could live without the rotary feature. Back to the MK 111, as a beginner it made it easier to see what was happening from all sides that was the pro. The cons out numbered the benefits though. All the tension screws came loose too easily (they might have changed this). Among of very minor things, the main problem was that I had to return it after only 3 months of use do to the tip of the jaws mushrooming out and wouldn't hold hooks well. They replaced it at the fly shop I bought it at, but when the replacement came in it was a different style so I don't like this brand much at all. I would save a few extra bucks and buy a $100 vice than a $40 vice and you will be happier and for a long time until you want to buy an expensive vice, or not.

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If you were buying a $100.00 vise what would it be ? Many thanks to everyone, milo3

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Thanks to all, as I said before too good to be true.But there ain't nothing wrong with dreaming. Happy Mothers Day to everyone, as they say she will be the last one to love you ! God Bless, milo3

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