Crackaig 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2012 Bats are a problem when fishing at night. If you do catch one it can be an interesting time trying to land it. Even more so trying to unhook it. The only to cases of rabies in humans in the UK in the few years have come from bites from bats. Be very careful. Don't think I would be practcing catch and release with the calf. Especially as it ate the fly. Thats got to be a legitimate catch! Cheers, C. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cameron 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2012 Bats are a problem when fishing at night. If you do catch one it can be an interesting time trying to land it. Even more so trying to unhook it. The only to cases of rabies in humans in the UK in the few years have come from bites from bats. Be very careful. Don't think I would be practcing catch and release with the calf. Especially as it ate the fly. Thats got to be a legitimate catch! Cheers, C. Physician friend of mine warned me about bats just recently. He said you can contract rabies from them without getting bitten. I guess close enough contact with a carrier and it can be airborne. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Goats 0 Report post Posted May 22, 2012 I trained my yellow lab from the time he was a pup to have good river manners when I was living in CO. He would go fishing with me everyday and by the time he was 8 months old he knew to stay with me, but out of the water. He would basically shadow me on the bank and when I got something he always got a sniff before I released, that was his reward. I really couldn't tell you how many duns, BWO, yellow sallies, princes, san juans, etc..... I pulled outta that dog. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Woodinfliezz 0 Report post Posted May 22, 2012 i caught my pitbull pup the other day while i was practicing casting she got tangled in my leader darn dog kept chasing my line -.-. didnt catch it on a fly but i was fishing for bass with a flying lure once on a lake back home and a goose decided that it looked good enough to eat. i constantly catch turtles on chicken liver when im after cats though they are a pain in the arse. i wonder what was going through the calves head when he ate that fly lol bad case of heart burn???? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toirtis 0 Report post Posted May 22, 2012 Physician friend of mine warned me about bats just recently. He said you can contract rabies from them without getting bitten. I guess close enough contact with a carrier and it can be airborne. Actually, not completely correct. Although airborne rabies transmission has been demonstrated in some animals when exposed to a concentrated environment, it has never been proven to happen with humans. You physician friend was like referring to a single case in 2002 in which a Scots bat conservationist contracted a similar Lyssavirus (EBLV-2) via non-bite transmission, although the actual vector of transmission has never been conclusively determined. That being said, a lot of bats in the USA are carrying rabies, so make sure that you do not get bit, and if you do, do not hesitate to seek medical attention....rabies in humans is ultimately mortal. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Piker20 0 Report post Posted May 22, 2012 Physician friend of mine warned me about bats just recently. He said you can contract rabies from them without getting bitten. I guess close enough contact with a carrier and it can be airborne. Actually, not completely correct. Although airborne rabies transmission has been demonstrated in some animals when exposed to a concentrated environment, it has never been proven to happen with humans. You physician friend was like referring to a single case in 2002 in which a Scots bat conservationist contracted a similar Lyssavirus (EBLV-2) via non-bite transmission, although the actual vector of transmission has never been conclusively determined. That being said, a lot of bats in the USA are carrying rabies, so make sure that you do not get bit, and if you do, do not hesitate to seek medical attention....rabies in humans is ultimately mortal. The infection is carried by the saliva so a mad rabib bat could infect you if it was thrashing about and some fluids were transferred to your eye or mouth or other mucus rich areas. Best not lick them or kiss them better after release. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
geoffd 0 Report post Posted August 30, 2012 I have swatted a bat out of the air by accident. Little !@#$%^&* was after my fly! Last Spring, when I was fishing a foam rubber bug for bass in a local pond, I had a redwing blackbird catch my fly out of the air in his claw on the backcast. Bugger did not want to let go, and I had to toss him around in the air, onto the water, over onto the ground - and through all of it he held firmly to his trophy. Then I tried reeling him in and dealing with him close at hand, again with no luck - he tried to attack me with his beak! Eventually all the battering convinced him to let go and he left my fly intact. Not as noteworthy as a human hand, but more fun to tell about! Tight lines! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fish For Life 0 Report post Posted August 30, 2012 I was fishing in the evening it was a percent night to catch some trout. As my fly was in the air i saw a bat com racing out of some trees. he grabbed the fly and started to fly away until he flew as far as the line would let him and got hooked. he fell to the water and i had to real him in. Got some gloves and got the hook out he flew away fine. What i night. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrVette 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2012 I use to fish the river next to my Great Aunt's ranch and hooked several cows over the years. Most of them never seemed to notice and let me go right up to them to get the fly out of what-ever part i managed to snag. A couple bolted and i was forced to just yank real hard on the line...only once did the leader break and i had to get my cousin to help me round it up and searched it for a while untill we found the fly and pulled it out. I had a bat snag a fly out of the air and hooked his tail membrane. I didn't have gloves so i grabbed the fly with my pliers and let him flop around till it tore out. The worst experience fishing i ever had was trying to cast in between wind gusts when i lost my timing and it blew back into the weeds. Went to the bank and started looking for the end of the line. Then i found it was in a skunk...i got sprayed real bad and yanked till the leader broke while diving into the river. Ended up throwing away my vest and waders. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
troutguy 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2012 a dead body actually just the hand but still ruined my fishing another weird catch was a duckling that on the fight ended up being pike food before I could get it in I had been pitching bluegill patterns at pike along the lilly pads when a group of ducklings came swimming by and my fly was out there and the duckling dove down and snatched my fly up well I tried to get it in really quick but the duckling started flailing in the water that got a pike that was under the lilly pads attention he made a rush and swallowed him whole I did get the pike in the boat measured it to be 41 inches cut the line and released the pike with a full belly OK this story would have been really the true winner if Paul snagged the hand and then caught the pike with the hand. That's a keeper to wall mount. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SNOWOLF 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2012 So one day I was fishing a stock lake in town one beautiful summers eve. There was a group of imagrant fellas of a darker skinned head wrapped sort fishing with gear not to far from me. They where having some troubles since for some reason they where using somewhere in the Naiborhood of a pound and a half of lead weights and pulling in 20lbs of weeds each time. They had noticed that I was catching fish here and there so one of them approached me to ask what I was doing. I explained I was fly fishing and showed him my hooks. The conversation progressed as it always does and I told him that I had made all these hooks myself. He asked if he could have one so I took one out that I have never caught anything on and gave it to him. He thanked me proper and turned to go back to his friends. He stopped and turned back and asked me what my hooks catch and with a smirk I answer everything and anything. He thanked me again and what back to his friends. I returned to the business at hand and was quickly lost in my own world. I heard some jabbering once or twice and when I looked over it seemed my hook with the weights was helping them catch more weeds. I chuckled to myself and made my next cast. I was using a foam hopper and this was a beauty of a cast. It flew straight and true and landed with just the right amount of plop and in an instant it was game on. He went for it an I pulled it away so he went for it again and the hook struck true and the fight was on. He went that way so I pulled this so he went this way so I pulled that way. This went on for about five minutes before I could reel him in and he was a beauty. I was trying to work my camera out of my pocket so I could get a picture since it truly is worth a thousand words and it was at this point he spit the hook and was gone. I waved goodbye to Mr Seagul as he flew away and thanked him for the fun... I cleaned up my stuff and headed out wondering as I went which had the best look of surprise on their face, the jabbering fishermen or Mr Seagul..? I know one thing for sure though and that is that I definatly had the biggest smile out of us all...! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SCOwens 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2012 Whats the best weight fly rod to use when catching bats ?? haha Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
netabrookie 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2012 A 3wt for bats...A couple seasons ago I got into a beaver. It came up in a pool I was casting into and seemed to not mind the fact that I was only a few yards away. I was at a fee fishing area playing with the stocked trout, so I was throwing olive buggers at them. I cast close to it to try and spook it, but that didn't work. I cast even closer, but that didn't work either. Finally I cast over it and let my line drape across its back...that worked, but instead of diving it rolled over and thrashed around and managed to hook itself. It made a run across the pool and up the creek and my reel was singing. I managed to pull the bugger loose after it had took me into my backing. I didn't mean to hook it, but it was one of the funniest thing that has ever happen to me. On the grimmer side of things, if I hooked a hand, it might be a while before I made another cast..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikechell 0 Report post Posted September 1, 2012 I wasn't fly fishing, I was using a baitcaster with a rubber worm on it. As I cast down the length of shoreline I was on, a Turkey Vulture (Buzzard) Took off from eating something on the bank. It flew right across my line, which pulled up and hooked it in the neck. It went down like it had been shot. Did you know Vultures can't swim ... especially when being dragged through the water by the neck. It was flapping and croaking and making a racket ... everybody came running. By the time I reeled the bird in, there were about 20 onlookers ... none of whom were inclined to help. I had a towel with me and was able to cover it's head, which allowed me to grab it and pin it down. I got the hook free and let the bird go. It was able to fly, which it did without even a thank you or a goodbye. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mike1958 0 Report post Posted September 5, 2012 ... a spider... on purpose. Tossed a size 22 Griffith's Gnat on his web and he came charging out like a lion. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites