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fly tying hooks

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Do you guys use one brand of hook or differnt brands. I switched from TMC to Dai Rinki Hooks because i can get 50 hooks vs 25 for the same or less money.. What Hooks do you guys think are the best.

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Mostly tmc. Have some mustad from a close out. But I know tmc numbers better.

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I use hooks from many different places. I started on Mustads and Herters Hooks. Then started using TMC (simply because all my customers wanted them.) I still tie on Mustads, both old and new styles, Daichii, Dai Riki, Gamakatsu, and orvis. I have been buying some of the Montana Fly Co hooks in the last two years, and like them fine so far. I have just placed my second order this year for 900 hooks all J Stockard hooks. I have also purchased hooks from several other "house" brands, and so far they have all been decent hooks. I have only found one line I haven't been fully satisfied with.

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i tie on too many brands to pick out a "best" brand. they all do what they are intended to do, hook fish.


as i use up hooks, i see myself buying more "house" brands as opposed to the higher priced "name" brands (theyre made side by side in the same factory anyway)

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I like to use fullingmill-(hayabusha) & kamasan for barbed hooks & hanak & dohiku for barbless.

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yea I would be interstead in trying out the montana fly hooks if the price was right but looks like im not a big enough fly tyer to even let me buy from them!

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There are a ton of hook manufacturers out there, and like others, I use the hook I like best from multiple companies. That being said, I stick to the brand names, because I've been burned too many time by those off-brand hooks that seem to be flooding the market these days. Dai Riki, it so happens, is my favorite of the inexpensive mainstream manufactures, so I think you'll be happy with your choice.

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Dream Drift Flies carries ALL the Montana Fly Hooks. You can get them there, for between 2.75 and 3.75 per 25. The shipping is free on orders over $50.00. I like their up eye scud hook a lot. Similar to the TMC 206.

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Dai-Riki from bluequillangler.com

Curiously cheaper than Dan Baily who, I am told, imports the hooks.

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