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Fly Tying
Nick Williams

Curled feathers

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Is there a way to straighten out curled up hen hackle feathers and the sort? I got some and they are not straight or flat which makes them very difficult to use!

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Its a real pain but I've noticed the twisted ones I have seem to be poor feathers anyway. I guess soaking them and drying them clamped straight might fix it.

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Feathers try to return to their original form when steamed. They can become quite 'convulsive' at this time. I doubt that a steam iron would permit this 'natural' action on their part.

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Another method that I use frequently is grabbing a bowl of warm water, add 1 or 2 drops of woolite, stirred then put a bunch in there let them set for several hours/ over night. Lay the feathers out on news paper (drag them a bit to straighten them out most will turn out fine, some will have an inherent curve that you will struggle with(toss em)

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Thanks Nick for asking. I have some of those too and I just didn't bother asking the question. I will have to try out some of the suggestions.

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i didnt see anybody asking in which direction the feather is bent in, but if its bent parallel to the feathers main stem you can simply remove the bend with simple nicks in the stem using your thumbnail and a finger.

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