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Custom Fly Tying Bench


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Here it is. Not perfect, but for a 16 year old that makes less than 10 grand a year, it's what I got.




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Looks pretty good, M. But how do you get all your stuff to stay on there, with it all hanging from the ceiling like that?

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Just joking ... you'd have to save the photos to a file, then edit them ... too much trouble. Everybody will just have to hold their monitors upside down.

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Mine is the world’s smallest (5 x 10) man cave crammed with stuff – the reason for the dinky, cheesy pressboard desk. Tailgate tyer so the toolbox traveling kit always has something I need and must come out even for general tying at home. Also a niche tyer (vintage tools and all natural materials) and the 4-drawer wooden box is the traveling kit for that. The little metal cabinet with plastic drawers is overflow for silk, tinsels and other natural spooled materials. The desk drawers have vintage tools, dubbing and some tackle. The plastic tubs on top have overflow capes, skins and other bulk.




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I had custom built my bench years ago, it worked great. Until this last winter I was approached by Jay Burge with Finest Fly tying Benches of Colorado And together we designed what I feel is ultimate bench. This bench is designed to work at shows, demo's and at home tying.







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My bench is a computer hutch that serves as a compurter table and a tying desk. It holds my computer monitor (an integral part of my tying endeavors), a portable tying desk that holds my tools' thread and mounts my vise, a set of desk top shelves for books etc. and some plastic storage drawers from Ace hardware for feathers and hair. Chenille, tinsile, flash, rubber, etc. is stored in a multi-drawer tackle box that sits under the hutch. Nothing fancy but servicable.


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new to tying this past Janurary, and new to the forum. Looking at all the bench posts, seams to me the best bench type is a desk, or work bench like a harbor freight. When I was looking for a desk, nothing looked to suit me, or was way to expencive, and did not fit my personal needs, which I didn't even know then.

My son built me a simple desk, which the stuff on top has taken many forms as I progress. still there is nothing I would trade my tabe for on the market. so many personal tastes, no one pattern can supply. but a desk top is the ticket!

When my son tie's, he moves all my stuff around to suit him. (and he does,not put it back!)

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hello all, i have returned to the forum after a few years of absence. it's nice to be back!


my pap made a steal on a couple trailer loads of hardwood that he bought from a lumberyard that was going out of business. i was able to talk him into building a solid cherry desk that fits into a dormer upstairs. and with a little rigging i have made it into an excellent fly-tying desk. i mounted one of those fabric closet shoe storage things and i use it for storing materials. it works great and keeps the wife happy too since i don't leave any more messes for her around the dining room table heh

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Currently, I use the living room floor to tie on, as I have no desk or table with room. I put something pertaining to my retro gaming taste to occupy my ears while I tie. My supplies are in plastic containers, placed in a cardboard box for storage/toting to the girlfriend's house for her to tie.

I am working on taking an old computer desk that I haven't even brought in from the shed in years and turning it into a tying desk. I think ill do some piddling and planning and come up with something

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