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School of Baitfish

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Decided to a tie a few bait fish and attempt a Pinfish Replica, here they are, enjoy


Pinfish 1






Pinfish 2



White and Blue Fish



Black and Purple Request from friends



Pinfish 3



Mullet Popper



Schooling Together



Latest Ties (Made the little display tables last week)



Sure is relaxing to tie up a few flies, can't wait to see them in action, sure these will be great when the reds are finding pinfish hard to come by

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great flies. How durable do you find the eyes just stuck on against the heads that are fully resined (sp?) up

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@Piker, you still end up losing the eyes, the durablity is strictly correlated with how much head cement you use. It is shiny because I put a ton on it.

@Panama, glad you think that hair spinning job was good, I was a little disappointed actually, hopefully fishing next Tuesday, prolly Sheepshead on Sat or Sun

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quite like that far right EP, the colour blend for the top is quite nice!


Good work! B) To make those eyes more durable use a cauterizer to burn a little hole the eyes can sit in, or just go wild with clear cure goo. That stuff is damn tough.

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@FlyFishinJam, that EP Blend is actually a Congo Hair Blend from FlyTyersDungeon, the white is EP Fiber, I have a lot of EP Fiber from before I discovered Congo Hair

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Thanks ironmachin, plan on getting a few more together, they are rather time consuming though, I kind of want a dedicated bait fish box of different colors, I especially enjoy the mullet


@FlyFishin The color of the congo hair is Blue Minnow Back by Congo Hair, $1.75 a pack can't beat it thats for sure

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I invested heavily in EP before i knew congo hair was around and at a fraction of the price. My white supply always is the first to go so next time i will go the way of the congo. Kinda looks like a could emulate that blend with a nice dark and lighter blue EP and comb them together.

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SC try using "goop" for the eyes. You can find it at hardware stores and its by far the best way ive found. I learned using Enrico's tutorials and that is what he uses.


Keep the flies coming!

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Just want to second Ben's Goop suggestion. I've been using it to attach eyes for almost 20 years, and have found it to be superior to anything else I've tried. Great stuff.


BTW, I almost forgot :huh: - great looking flies Scott.

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